Sunday, October 16, 2016

What Manner of Person

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:9-11
The world around us now can be compared to the time of Noah while he built the ark for 120 years as God had instructed him to do and also to Sodom and Gomorrah,in which its inhabitants had attacked Lot and the angels that had visited Lot.
The Bible tells us that Christ is coming but men will say where is the promise of His coming? But these people fail to see that the Bible says that the Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some count slackness but is long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance,for Christ's coming will be as a thief in the night.
So as Noah lived in the time in which ungodliness surrounded him as now, what manner of person ought we to be?
1. We must be truly truly born again.
2. Be dedicated and consecrated to Christ (24hrs of 7days of 365days)
3. Be in conscious expectation of Christ's return
4. Invest our life (every aspect our life) into the expansion of God's kingdom here on earth,this includes our time,gifts,talents etc.
5. We should live a radical evangelism life by our lifestyle,preaching.
6. Live a lifestyle of total obedience, of trust and reliance on Him alone.
7. Knowing and doing His perfect will in our pursuits (must be our focus)
8. Live the lifestyle of total faith,prayers and fasting, faith in God,in His word,in His promises,His faithfulness.
9. Live a life of a true worshiper (in truth and spirit): we worship God for who He is and praise Him for what He has done and will do.
10.A lifestyle of purity,holiness,sanctification,fear of God,honoring His word,fruit of the Spirit should be our daily conduct.
 Let us therefore be these manner of person and be rapturable unto Christ in Jesus name.
Have a fruitful week ahead.

For We Knoweth Not

Scripture: Romans 8:26-27,34
The ministry of the Holy Spirit in our prayer life, the major determinant of how strong and solid our prayer life is the Holy Spirit. Prayer is not just spiritual murmurings.
Prayer is a conversation between a father and a child or children, it is an essential part of our relationship with God.
Sometimes we don't know what to pray further about,you feel like there's nothing we can pray about,we feel exhausted.
When we feel dried up, tired,exhausted,just like a baby who feels like saying something,feels like uniting with you but does not know how to express himself. At this moment when we feel dried up and exhausted then the ministry of the Holy Spirit begins.
This is also why our lifestyle is important Romans 8:5-9
This is very important,the ministry of the Holy Spirit is very sensitive to the vessel of God He is working in,our lifestyle should be of Holiness.
The Holy Spirit guides
                          leads and directs us
                          makes intercession for us in our prayer life
                          helps us when we don't know what to pray about
What is intercession?
Talking about a person,place,time on behalf of another person and at the time when we don't know what to pray about the Holy Spirit knows the things of the Spirit, maybe sometimes a particular name of a person,a country flashes into our minds and we don't know what to pray about, we should pray this way:
''God,Holy Spirit take over,do your job, I release myself into your hands and whatsoever you want to do and at this point if you are a believer ,walking in the Spirit,in contact with Him all the time and in all things, these things makes the intercession of the Holy Spirit easier and hence you speak in the language of Heaven, one begins to speak on behalf of that person,place or situations. Acts 4:31.
How can we make the ministry of the Holy Spirit Effective
-Follow Christ diligently
-Learn how to be sensitive to His leadings.
-Follow whatever instructions He gave us in details (sometimes God gives us instructions that may not be logical or seem odd) Acts 16:26,27
   Some of the burdens we are carrying its because we are not allowing the leading of the Holy Spirit, when we ask for the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives we will be free because we know we are not alone, we are bold and confident and have assurance in God.
   Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel were full of God's spirit and were bold. When we are full of the Holy Spirit,we don't feel intimidated. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit and full of the Him.
    One of the reasons God has given us this language of tongues is because its one of the weapons that God uses to make the devil mad because he can not and does not understand this language because it is a mystery. Acts 2:1-2
Speaking in another tongue makes our conversation with God to be deep because only the Holy Spirit understands.
Lets seek to rely and depend totally on the Holy Spirit.

Accept Him Willingly into Your Boat

Scripture: John 6:18-21
We must learn to operate in God's perfect will
Spiritually the wind,air,storms,represents every attack from the devil to stop us from progressing but the good news is that God always comes to our rescue maybe not in our time but in His own time. Hebrews 10:37
-When He came,they could not recognize him because they lacked the discernment of what their lives needed, like us we wait for something but God brings the other.
-They were fearful for the strange things happening to them
-They willingly received him into the boat.
Vs 21,Now this is the most important thing for us to do,let us willingly receive Him into our hearts.

Do Good Good Works

Scripture: John 7:22-23
There are 3 points that we can infer from the words of Jesus from the above passage:
1. Jesus Christ was telling them that He is the Lord of the Sabbath,Sabbath being rest:rest from lifeless labor can only be found in Christ.
2. Jesus Christ was not saying that they should not observe/ practice the laws of Moses.
3. They must eat His broken body i.e believing in the sacrificial work He did on the Calvary.
Doing good is a characteristic of Christ, Acts 10:38. ''Went about doing good''; anointing empowered Jesus to go about doing good.
It is true that we are not saved by good works but by the grace and mercy of God.
Outside Christ every good deed is unacceptable before God. Ephesians 2:10
Good works glorify God, Matthew 5:16
Good works enrich lives 1 Timothy 6:18
Good works furnish a pattern for imitation Titus 2:7,3:1
Provoke others unto good works Hebrews 10:24
It demonstrates the reality of faith i.e good works is an attestation that your faith is a reality
James 2:17-18, 1 Peter 2:12, Titus 1:14-15.

Monday, September 19, 2016

What It Takes To Please God

Scriptures: Genesis 5:24
How to please God/ They that please God
According to Hebrews 11:5, Enoch is the first example of rapture because he didn't just walk with God but he pleased God. Every aspect of our lives should please God,we should please Him and God will be pleased also with us. Proverbs 16:7.
 It's important to live a life pleasing to God because when our lives are pleasing to God we wont need to be looking for favor,miracle and breakthrough because God knows how to touch the hearts of the enemies and we don't run after our enemies. We are love our enemies and not hate them.
Some examples of people in the Bible who pleased God are :
Noah who lived during an ungodly time but yet lived a righteous life.
Enoch lived for God,walked with God,pleased God and hence he broke the natural transformation of human beings similarly with Prophet Elijah.
According to Matthew 3:17, Heaven identifies that Jesus pleased God. 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 1 Timothy 2:4-7.
Pleasing God manifests in the lives of men.
What are the things/conditions to please God
- You must be born again
-You should walk with God,follow God and begin to like His way and begin to understand His ways.
-You must learn how to know and to do only His perfect will (This is a major characteristic in the lives of those who pleased God,.
- You must be obedient,this is one reason why we receive what we ask from God according to
  1 John 3:22-23
- You must follow the commandment to believe on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
-You must have faith i.e live and walk by faith because without faith it is impossible to please God.
-You must love one another, loving each other is a fundamental principle.
-Communicate to one another i.e not doing evil to one another and generously giving.
Our love should be genuinely motivated and not carnally inclined.
The thing we do,do we do them willingly and are they by faith?
-You must trust God.
As children of God,we should check our lives daily and examine if we have all these points in our lives and its not something we do only once and forget we must check everyday and ask our Heavenly Father what do you want to do about this issue today? Yes it is true that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever but God is dynamic and His ways are different, what he asked us to do yesterday in a certain way,He might ask us to do it differently the next time.
What is the lesson that we therefore learn? He doesn't change ever but He uses different approaches and because of this we must seek His face and ask Him always concerning every matter.
Both God and you know the past and the present but only Him knows the very next minute,next hour and ultimately the future.

Dig The Well

Scriptures: Genesis 26: 15-23
The well represents you and me
The water represents the Holy Spirit
The sand represents everything the enemy uses to block the free flow of life in us.
Therefore what does it mean to dig?
      It means all the attempts we make to be available to the free flow of the Holy Spirit,to enhance the free flow of the Holy Spirit,to be broken, sanctified,purified and dedicated to God.
What are the things that are hindering or could hinder the power of the Holy Spirit and free flow of the Holy Spirit?
The greatest enemy to the flow of the Holy Spirit is when the flesh is allowed to have supremacy. Whenever the devil wants to stop the operation of the Holy Spirit in us,on us and through us,he looks for a way to gain access to our flesh. There is a continuous battle between the flesh and the Holy Spirit and this conflict is a serious one as in Romans 8:5-8
Our flesh can be interpreted to be as the sand of the soil as the sand is the source of the human body according to Genesis 2:7.
According to Genesis 26:15-23, Isaac dug the wells again,four times the enemy blocked the wells with sand but upon the 5th time Isaac was able to comfortably able to dig the well and reach flowing water.
This 5th time represents Grace
What does it mean to dig deep?
-It means to crucify our flesh and to be available in the hands of God for the transformation of our human vessel.
-Through prayers,fasting,studying,listening,practicing God's word and allowing God to chastise us,rebuke us and we will be transformed.
Deep fellowship with God will lead us to understand His actions.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Month Of Life,Time Of Life (September- 9th Month)

Scripture: Psalm 102:13
Welcome to the new month guys,Happy new month! It's September,the 9th month,the month of Time, the Time of Life.
The word September is translated as ''Elul'' in Hebrew,What is the Significance? In this Month,in Israel there is a harvest of cotton after the long wait,it can be compared to giving birth to a child.
For 9 months the baby is conceived in the womb of the mother and at the end of this period,the baby must be birth forth or else the womb that was once conducive becomes dangerous to its life.
Timing,dates,events are very important like the sons of Issachar,men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do. 1 Chronicles 12:32.
 The same visitation that was for Sodom and Gomorrah,a visitation of destruction turned around to be a visitation of construction for Abraham and Sarah. At the appointed time,God visited Abraham and Sarah and fulfilled his promise to them.
Psalm 102:13 says
''Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion:
  for the time to favor her
  yea,the set time,is come''.
This is my Month of birthing forth all that God has planted in me,
 Birthing forth of Life,
 God will arise and have mercy on me,
 for the time to favor me,
 yea,the set time is come.
How about you?
Have a life fulfilling month,God bless you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Loose Him And Let Him Go! (Remove The Grave Clothes)

Scripture: John 11:41-44
We read about Lazarus the brother to Mary and Martha who had been dead and buried but Jesus Christ raised him back to life by the power of God. Lazarus had been bounded hand and foot by grave clothes and his face with a napkin and Jesus said after calling him to come forth,to have them ''Loose Lazarus and Let him go''...Halleluyah!
Let us see what these grave clothes represent:
-They represent the past and old things which are dead and obsolute. Genesis 41:14
-They represent death. Ephesians 2;6
-They represent hindrances that will not allow us to enjoy the new freedom and newness of life in Christ. Luke 24:12
Unlike Lazarus,Jesus did not leave the tomb with the grave clothes why? because He knew they wouldn't allow Him to function effectively and will not allow Him to see things the way He should see.
Grave clothes represent everything that is in the old life (old  mentality,culture,lifestyle etc)
  Today God has a new garment for you but if you don't remove the grave clothes you won't get the new garment as written in Isaiah 61:3&10.
These are:
-the garment of Praise
-the garment of Salvation
-the garment of Righteousness
Zechariah 3:3-5.
Step out and Live in the newness of Life in Christ.

The Power Of Liberty and Freedom

Scripture: John 8:30-36
Liberty is translated in Hebrew as ''Rachab'' which means roaming in every direction, broad,wide, large etc.
It also means to be unlimited,unchained,unfettered or not imprisoned.
God gave man all kinds of freedom but when man lost his spiritual liberty, he lost all other types of liberty which include political,financial,social,moral liberty etc.
Man became enslaved to sin,people are seeking after financial,political,social,civil liberty but they place little attention and importance to their spiritual liberty,which is the most important.
In the Garden of Eden,satan fought with Adam and Eve's spiritual liberty and not the other liberties they had and as soon as they lost their spiritual liberty (i.e their personal relationship with God),they lost every other thing.
So what does it mean to lose one's spiritual freedom?
-It is to live contrary to God's plan for your life.
-It is to live in opposite to God's word.
-It is to live without depending on God i.e in one's thinking,living,speaking and simply acting the way you want.
To declare one independent from God's word and become the temple of sin.
Romans 6:6, Proverbs 5;22, Romans 6:16.
The opposite of liberty/freedom is bondage meaning to be limited,to be in chains or in fetters,to be in a situation in which one can not operate outside/above the situation.
In Romans 7:23, Apostle Paul speaks about the natural law that makes us to provoke God, there are certain things that can make us to be limited and hence be in bondage,these are agents of bondage as below:
-the world and worldliness
-sickness,infirmity and disease
-finance,morals,social life (culture and traditions) and politics.
The way to be free from all these bondages is to be spiritually free.
Even if there are other freedoms,they will only be temporal as long as there is no spiritual freedom.
George Washington said ''How can one govern a nation without a Bible''?
Can one be freed from all these bondages? Yes because God has processes through which to set a man free from sin and these are:
-through Jesus Christ,our Lord and Saviour (John 8:36, Isaiah 42:7).
-His church,disciples,ministers,servants (Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-17, Mark 16:15-20).
-through the Spirit of the Lord,God.
-through His anointing (Isaiah 61, Luke 4:18),
-through the power of God.
-through His presence.
-through the power of God's word.
-through God's grace,mercy,love and goodness
-through the known truth of God.

Unfaithful and Unprofitable servant

Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
In the book of Matthew,Jesus told the parable of 3 servants and of them all,the 3rd servant wasn't rewarded because he was unfaithful. The 3rd servant had refused to trade with his talent which his master had given to him.
God has also given each of us talents and gifts according to our talents.
Let us look at what the reasons could be as to why this servant could not produce any fruit or profit with his talent, Matthew 25:22-25 shows this to us:
1) The servant never truly loved his master.
2) He never trusted nor believed in his master (We should trust and obey our master,Jesus Christ).
3) He never honored or respected his master (We should honor our Lord)
4) He had always been a man who always justified his failure i.e he gives excuses without repenting.
5) He had always been greedy and envious of his master's success.
6) As a result of the 5 points above,his heart was guilty and full of fear.
   Our hearts should be filled with love,joy,peace when we obey God but we will have the opposite when we don't obey God.
7) Everyone of us we should be careful to do what He tells us to do. God has given us different talents,we should evangelize,love others,walk in holiness,fear,obedience to the word of God.
We should submit to the Lord,we should be obedient to the Lord Jesus.
This unfaithful servant didn't learn good examples from his master.
 He was a failure,unprofitable and unfruitful.When we don't follow Jesus our master,it will be difficult to be fruitful.
8)The man was indifferent
   -in spirit
   -in service (Matthew 22:5)
  It is very dangerous when people don't take God's call seriously because it makes one's life to be unfruitful and unproductive.
Our lives can only have good meaning when we take God's call seriously and we can then be fruitful and profitable.
This man was unprofitable,he had no good result in his life because of his wrong attitude to his master,
Jesus Christ is our master and He gives us opportunities and privileges,chances to serve Him and make for the expansion of His kingdom on earth. Our hearts should be filled with joy in serving. When we are obedient and we serve Him,follow His invitation,we love Him and are obedient to His word, definitely we will have peace towards Him and we will have no fear or torment.
Let us try to be faithful in small things,don't look down on anything God has given to us,we should take them seriously and work on them.
Why? because the way we treat the little things will determine how farther we will go. Let us do things with enthusiasm,with joy in our hearts.
  God knows your ability and gives to you what you are able to bear,everyone of us must be very very careful with everything that God has placed in our lives.

You Can Begin Again!

Scripture: Genesis 35:1-5
It is never too late to begin again,God is willing and able to pick you up from wherever you are or whatever you are or whoever you are.
Lets look at the place called BETHEL:
-This is the place where Jacob first met with God.
-This is also the same place where Jacob first brought a sacrifice to God.
(Genesis 28:10-22).
-It was where Jacob had an encounter with God and He changed Jacob's name to Israel
-Here also God pronounced blessings as a confirmation of God's promise to him.
Bethel can be compared to our experience when we first gave our lives to Christ but later our love for Christ grew cold. Luke 15;8, Revelation 2:5.
This month of August is the month of A New Beginning,You can start afresh with God.
Jacob had lost his first love and God told him that he could start afresh just like the story of the prodigal son.
Our hearts are no longer passionate,thirsty and hungry for God,we should become radically committed and dedicated to Christ again.
Bethel: the place of re-committment!
             the place of re-dedication!
Oh! I will arise,I will start afresh!

The Factor Of Willingness: A Willing Heart

Scripture: Psalm 110:1-3
In Hebrew,the word Willingness is translated as ''Nawdeeb/Nadyib''
This denotes an attitude of the heart which consents or agrees often readily or cheerfully to a course of action. Exodus 35:5&22.
In the day of the manifestation of the power of God,3 things will happen:
-It will make the enemies of God's kingdom to be subdued,to surrender and submit.
-It will produce beauty of holiness,purity,sanctification in the lives of believers.
-The people will be willing to submit to the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God has the power to make every sinner repent,even to make everyone accept Him but He didn't do that because He is a just God and He has given us the power of free will. John 10:17-18.
  For our love towards our brethren,our ministry,our offering,our tithes to be acceptable to God it must be done from a willing heart.
There is a connection between love and willingness: the Bible says whatever is done outside of faith  i.e outside of love is sin.
In other to operate with a willing heart,you must have faith and love (trust) in that which one is willing to submit to. 2 Chronicles 29:31
When we are doing all that we ought to do as believers outwardly but they are not bringing blessings to our lives,the likely reason is an unwillingly heart.
Jesus knew that they had an unwilling heart and they had willingly chosen to leave Him and there was therefore no point in telling them to stay according to John 6:66-67.
Therefore examine your life as a Christian
Examine why and how do you fast?
Why and How do you pray?
How is your fellowship with other brethren?
How and Why do your give?
Are you doing all these with a willing heart or under compulsion? 2 Peter 3:8-10, 1 Timothy 6:18
Let everything that you and I do be based on the principle of willingness, Judges 5:2.

Spiritual Battleground:Winning The Battle Of Your Mind

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:13-16, Romans 8:5-8
Unless the devil has first won the battle of in your mind he cannot win the battle for your life. Do you realize and understand that there is a battle in your mind,ongoing for  7 days,24 hours,every minute,every second?
The word Mind is translated in Greek as ''nous'': meaning intellect, divine or human,in thought,in feeling and will.
The mind is the seat of emotions,affections,mode of thinking,feeling,disposition,moral inclination equivalent to the heart.
We need to have a proper understanding of the mind.
The word thought is translated in Hebrew as ''machashaba'' pronounced ''makh-ash-aw-baw'' which means a thought,a purpose,a devise,an intention,an invention that springs from such thoughts, the thoughts of the mind.
 Natural mind is translated in Greek as ''psuchikos'',natural (1 Corinthians 2) which means referring to the man who is governed only by his environment namely his natural or animal instincts as a result of his fallen adamic (sinful) nature,he is unable to understand spiritual truth and he doesn't understand the things of God.
Natural mind: a mind not renewed,regenerated, he can not understand or comprehend the things of the spirit,why?because he's not born again.
 The carnal mind can not understand the things of the spirit because his mind is fleshly and worldly.
The mind is the battleground before the devil can carry out anything,he begins with the mind.
Thats why the mind is closely linked with the heart. Those with a regenerated mind have thoughts of Christ which fills the mind and they begin to manifest in actions.
There is danger in having a carnal mind (i.e a mind that is not renewed in Christ) because it can not please God. The carnal mind can only think carnally,fleshly,worldly, and can only act sinfully.
To be carnally minded is death because it can only think of things which are contrary to God which displeases God. Romans 1:28.
A Reprobate mind is a mind which is no longer able to see and judge things in the right sense and is followed by the spirit of perversion and everything that is bad will appear good and that which is good appears evil.
Ephesians 4:17, Deuteronomy 15:9, Matthew 15:19, Genesis 6:5.
The word of God warns us not to allow this carnal mind,sinful thoughts,evil traditions,thoughts of unbiblical lifestyle not to dominate our lives. To those who are born again,the Bible tells us to be spiritually minded. Romans 12:2-3, Proverbs 12:5, Philippians 2;5.
The Bible says ''Let''in Philippians 2:5 because there is power in free will i.e when the devil brings evil thoughts we have the power of free will to choose whether to allow those thoughts stay or reject them.
So what are the things we should be thinking on,meditating on,ruminating on?
Philippians 4:8 says it all;Thoughts that are:
-True (truth)
- Of Good report
- Of Virtue; love
-Praise worthy i.e glorifies God's name.
When the devil brings evil thoughts we should reject them immediately and replace them.
We can replace these evil imaginations by maintaining the mind of Christ but how?
-By reading the word of God
-Hearing the word of God
-Studying the word of God
-Meditating,thinking and ruminating upon the word of God
-Being quick to practicalize and obey the word of God
-Reject,renounce,rebuke every evil thought that the devil brings to my mind and quote the word of God that stands against those thoughts.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6.
Verse 5 mentions arguments and imaginations which could refer to negative thoughts,disobedient thoughts, evil imaginations,we are to bring all of them under captivity.
-Cover your whole mind and self with the blood of Jesus Christ.
-Be watchful over what you listen to,who you listen to,the things you look at,the company you keep,the information you listen to,over what you say and where you go.
Remember ''As a man thinketh in his heart so is he''.

The Mouth Of The Righteous: Power of Life and Death on Your Lips

Scripture: James 3:1-12, Matthew 12:32-37
The Power of life and death is in your tongue which is small but the most important organ that has a great impact in your life spiritually.
There is power in pronunciation and in our utterances. Everything that has been created came through the spoken word. The mouth of the righteous is to be used in a specific way than the mouth of the unrighteous. His mouth is to speak righteousness. We as believers experience success in almost every other area but failure in the area of an untamed tongue.
Both the blessings and curses are the product of the mouth,the curses and the blessings pronounced on man is still affecting him till today. It is very important the way we use our words. Job 16:24, Ecclesiastes 10:12.
 The wise man's mouth will create grace of God in people's lives and produce comfort,encouragement. Isaiah 50:4.
Isaiah became a good listener,able to speak righteous words,how? See Isaiah 6:1-7.
 The people who saw God like Moses,Gideon had their lives changed. You cant see Heaven, the throne of God and remain the usual or same.
Prophet Isaiah had been preaching against people's sins through Chapters 1-5, then God decided to make the words that Prophet Isaiah had been saying to be more gracious and more kind.
 Unless I am able to see my needs, weaknesses I won't be able to seek them from God.
God opened the eyes of Prophet Isaiah to see His glory which showed the inglorious state of Isaiah and God's holiness and his own unholiness. Isaiah after seeing this proclaimed that he was a man of unclean lips and the angel took a coal of fire to cleanse his lips.
  You can not run away from the truth,the truth will always find you. It's because God loves us that He brought the truth to our doorstep. The devil likes to harden the hearts of people to the truth so he can take them to hell with himself.
Genesis 50:21, Joseph spoke kind words to his brothers despite all that they had done to him.
Proverbs 15:1, 2 Samuel 1:1-16 (13-16), 1 Samuel 31:3-4. Ecclesiastes 5:1-3.
Idle words,whispering,slandering and vain words should not be found in your lips.

Do Well- Be A Carrier Of The Good News

Scripture: 2 Kings 7:9-11
Good news everyone!!!!!
Our paramount pursuit as believers and true born again children of God is to carry the good news of the good Lord at all cost to the whole world. Mark 1:14-18, Mark 5:15-20.
The Hebrew word Evaggelizo: means good news
                                                  blogoya vest (Russian)
                                                  the gospel
 Good news from the good God to the bad dying sinful,powerless,lifeless world.
The word ''Good'' ''News'' each is 4 lettered and 4 represents the entire planet earth,with the word News represented as below;
N: north
E: east
W: west
S: south
meaning the entire world.
God is commissioning you to go into the world and preach the good news (this could be your school, business,family etc). Romans 10:8-17, Proverbs 11:30
We are to go forth with: wisdom
                                       right approach
                                       Godly living
                                       empowerment of the Holy Spirit
                                       boldness and love
If you win a soul you are wise
Daniel 12:3, Luke 2:8-11, Rev 14:15-19, Matthew 8:37, Mark 4:29, Luke 10:2, John 4:36,
Galatians 6;9.
Right now we must start the harvesting of souls. It is now that we must work. John 9:4.

Rest and Perfection

Scripture: Genesis 2:13, Psalm 138:8
July is here Praise the Lord, it is translated the month of ''Tammuz'' in Hebrew language which means Rest,Rest guys..
Today is the 3rd day of the month,a Sunday
Today is the 1st day of the week,a Sunday (resurrection)
God rested on the 7th Day, rest is ''Shabat'' in Hebrew.
Shabat means to abstain from labour
                       denotes designating the time to be set aside for rest
Mark 6:30-32
God desires that we live for Him,a life full of adoration
Perfect is translated from the Hebrew word ''Gamar'': meaning to be perfect, complete,to perform to a perfect end.
 Take this month as a month God has set aside to make us to rest and trust in Him to perfect that which concerns us.
 By entering into His rest,is to cease from our own effort,our own methods and just trust Him, believing Him and having faith in Him that He is more than able to perfect that which concerns you.
 Give God the opportunity to perfect those things you have been trying to do in your life,all those imperfections in your life.
 Entering His rest means ceasing from all the fruitless laboring,sinful wordly pursuit,unnecessary canal cares,anxiety and doubt,unbelief,self trust and reliance,personal lifeless and vain self strength.
 Just trust Him and rely upon Him,surrender it all.
What is Faith?
I:  I
T: trust
H: Him
 Forsake all I trust Him
In this month,we should learn to trust Him,forsake all the personal strength to make things work in my way. It is the month of resting and trusting in Him. 2 Corinthians 7:1
Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness,spots,wrinkles.
Perfecting translated ''Epithelio'': means to fulfill further or completely
                                            to bring through to an end,to fulfillment
                                            to make perfect,complete or accomplish
God is the only one that is able to perfect all the imperfection in our lives:in spirit,soul and body also in our families,finance,academic pursuit,relationship,in our daily activities,in our gifts,talents,ministry.
It is time to forsake all your efforts and allow God to bring to perfection all in your life.
Joshua 6:4, 1 Kings 18:43, 2 Kings 5:10, Proverbs 24:16, Leviticus 4:6, 1 Thessalonians 3:10.

The Baptism of The Holy Spirit

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:19-39, 36-39, Acts 2;1-8
Rebuilding the Altars (Conditions for Fire from Heaven)
Is the fire of the Holy Spirit still burning within you?
Where are the Elijah's of our time?
Where are the 120 fire-filled disciples?
Altar in Hebrew means ''Mizbeach'' which means the place of sacrifice;
the noun root is ''Zabach'' which means to slaughter an animal sacrifice.
Genesis 8:20 was the first evidence of an altar.
Elijah in bringing down the fire of God did the following:
-He rebuilt the altar and He renewed the sacrifice.
The sacrifice translates to us as in Romans 12:1.
Fire- represents the place of eternal condemnation for satan and his agents
         a symbol of God's judgement.
         an acceptance/acceptable offering before God.
         symbol of cleansing,holiness and purity before God.
         God's divine presence.
         symbol of answers of God to our prayers
         symbol of fire (Acts 2)
Malachi 3:3, 1 Peter 2:5, Acts 5:32.
Through the Bible God is revealed:
as God the Father through the old testament
as God the Son through  Matthew till the beginning of the book of Acts
as God the Holy Spirit through the rest of the book of Acts till present.
The Acts of Apostle (the outpouring of the Holy Spirit) happened 50 days after the pass-over. Jesus Christ gave Himself as a Living sacrifice.
Make yourself available,obedient ,thirsty and hungry, without the fire you cannot make a difference in your generation.

God Has A Word For You This Month Of June

Scripture:Esther 8:9
Welcome to the month of June,translated from the Hebrew word ''Sivan''.
In Israel this month represents the month of Harvest i.e of wheat,barley etc.
There is a word God is preparing for us all,let's be attentive..Harvest of honey, feast of weeks and feast of first fruits. The weather also is quiet and clear. All of above have great importance to our lives. We should do our best to hear clearly from God,life changing instructions,guidance and leading.
-The genocide decree that had been made against Mordecai and Jews was removed in the month of June.
-A new decree was made to protect them in this month of June.
Haggai 1:1
-The word of the Lord came to Haggai in the month of June.
-The word to rebuild the temple of God: there are two types of temple; physical and spiritual
   physical  temple- your body
   spiritual temple- our fellowship (church).
We should rebuild our temples where it has been broken or where there are cracks..
God is calling you into repentance,cleansing,sanctification this month and we shouldn't forsake the assembly of one another.
God bless you.

Thanksgiving As A Spiritual Weapon

Scripture: Psalm 107:22, Leviticus 7:12, Colossians 1:12; 3:15, Psalm 100, 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Thankfulness: is an expression of gratitude and more importantly,it's one of the spiritual weapons. It's deeper than just expressing my gratitude. It's a major weapon in battling/we use it to fight and win spiritual battles.
How did Jesus use thanksgiving to win spiritual battles and why do we need to give thanks?
1. We give thanks to God because He is our King and We are His subjects,He is God.
2. He is our maker,creator,He owns us,we don't belong to ourselves.
3. Thanksgiving and praises is an appreciation of His wondrous deeds to us. We must not take anything He has done for us for granted.
4. Through our thanks we are giving testimony of His wonderful deeds.
5. Through our testimonies we are witnessing to others and calling others to God.
6.Through our testimonies we are teaching others how to relate with God
7. By giving thanks,we are demonstrating His good,mercy and truth towards us (Hebrews 13:15)
 There is a fruit of lips to God which is our praises,thanksgiving and acknowledging God's deeds.
John 11:41; Jesus used thanksgiving as a weapon.
 Jesus came into the presence of God with thanksgiving,He knew what He needed to do to win favor before God. When You need Heaven's supernatural intervention in your natural situations,we should enter with thanksgiving not with self pity,complains/grumbling,murmuring,not bitterness. We get help,power,hope from God through thanksgiving. John 6:11.
 In order to get divine increment and abundance ,use thanksgiving,remember there is a store in heaven with all our needs (spiritual and material).
In Matthew 26:27,Jesus was going to establish the Holy communion because the broken body of Jesus and blood of Jesus is the last hope for human kind. In order for this to influence them forever and not allow the enemy to pervert it, He invited the attention of Heaven to it by giving thanks to God.That's why it has never lost its influence/meaning since that day till now.
Humans are looking for power from all the wrong sources instead of seeking from God,true power.
Let us enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise....Halleluyah...

Who Can Stand? Nobody Except.....

Scripture:Psalm 15:1-5, Psalm 24:3-4, Psalm 130:3, Romans 10:1-4
  Sin drove Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden (symbolizing God's presence) and they were separated from God. Sin brought guilt and condemnation.
  God is holy and His eyes cannot behold iniquity and so the question is what does it take for human beings to stand before God with a pure conscience?
  Kind David said in Psalm 15
-verse 4;keeps not the company of the wicked
              honors those who fear the Lord
Psalm 24
-verse 4: clean hands;not doing evil
               having a pure heart
If someone fulfills all these are they enough to see God?
There are two types of obedience:
-Obedience to the law and personal works (good works)
-Obedience according to grace and faith through Christ.
Without /Outside Christ there is no good deed or work that will qualify them before God. Our personal (good) works,obedience to the law only becomes acceptable when you receive righteousness and justification by faith in Christ.1 kings 17:1.
  In order to make a difference in the society in which you live,in your generation the question of being able to stand must be addressed. What does it take to be able to stand before God?
Nobody can stand before God except those...
1) who are truly born again,justified by the blood of Jesus Christ.
2)who follow Him consistently after being born again to carry our cross daily and deny self.
3)who through obedience (total) to Jesus through His word and commandments.
4)by knowing and doing only His perfect will.
5)holiness,purity,following after and pursuing after and peace with people and others.
6)by loving our God and neighbor with all our heart.
7)by hating the devil with personal hatred and everything that belongs to the devil.
How can we stand before God?
-Through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
-Through His intercessory ministry.
-Through His mercy.
-Through His everlasting and unchanging and eternal covenant
 of His Son.
-Through faith and grace.

Get Delivered,Stay Delivered: Don't give the devil another entrance into your life

Scripture: Matthew 12:44-45, Luke 4:13
   As a born again believer,we get delivered from sins,evil habits, peculiar family/national negative habits or traits,ungodly or unbiblical cultural traditions,generational curses,lifestyles and ways of thinking,a particular sickness/disease, hereditary, occultic practices,idol worshiping,ungodly lifeless religion etc.
   When God delivers us we usually think those things are gone forever but the devil and his messengers are stubborn and will try to return again.
    So what could grant the devil a re-entrance into our lives? Emptiness, because we don't allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with Christ by reading the word,by meditation,by quick obedience and by growing up in faith.
    We must not give a chance to the devil to reenter. All the things we are to lord over,now lord over human beings,they worship the creatures instead of the creator because we have allowed the devil to have a stand in our lives. Ephesians 6 says ''having done all this, stand''.
   We must not sleep i.e not become spiritually tired,no longer watching like the good man slept while the wicked spirit sneaked and sowed tares in the wheat in order words planting false understanding, strife in the congregation of the children of God.
  The devil could use the scripture to instigate us against God but Jesus Christ was able to discern knowing the devil didn't speak by the Holy Spirit who inspired scriptures as he tempted Him.
  How do we stop the devil from having a re-entrance in our lives?
-Once we are/have been delivered,stay with the deliverer and let Him fill you,with His word and fellowship with other spirit led brethren.
-Be sensitive to the leading,instructions and convictions of the Holy Spirit i.e when we do something wrong,we should repent as soon as God convicts us and not harden our hearts.
-Be quick to live the life of obedience because half obedience/ postponed obedience is full disobedience.
-Be active and diligent in all our activities and fruit bearing in our character (love,joy,peace etc) and in winning of souls for Christ. Strive for the spirit of excellency in all our activities.
-Be disciplined,committed and dedicated fanatically to the follower-ship and master-ship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The way we think,talk,live should show we are fanatics of Christ.
-Resist the devil and he will flee away from us through our words,we shouldn't be speaking vulgar words,foolish talks and gistings that are not profitable. Resist the devil through our thoughts,our actions should be motivated by faith,love of God.
-Live the life of faith,total trust and dependence on God.
-Be careful of the type of company,association and relationship as well as links you are involved with.
-Whose advice, counsel and influences do we allow into our lives,this determines whether the devil has access to our lives.
-Ask God Almighty through prayer to use the Blood of Christ through the Holy Spirit to wipe away all the negative thoughts and evil memories from our past.

Mercy Factor

Scripture:Matthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46-52
When everything else has failed,cry out for God's mercy and His mercy will work out for you,He will make a way for you. FOR HIS MERCY OVERCOMETH HIS JUDGEMENT.
   Mercy is translated from the Hebrew word ''Kheh-Sed''; meaning kindness,favor,pity,acts of kindness,goodness,love,faithfulness.
  The law according to the judgement says you don't deserve to be blessed because of sin. But the law according to mercy says because of God's kindness,compassion,goodness and favor.(Deuteronomy 4:31, Psalm 103:17, Psalm 108:4, Lamentations 3:22-23),we will blessed.
  From the above scriptures,the two blind men and blind Bartimaeus used the same approach,a right approach and it worked for them. They both first told Jesus to have mercy upon them,why?
Why didn't they plead with Jesus to first heal our eyes or restore their sight? They realized that they needed the mercy of God in order to get what they wanted.
 Jericho- a city destroyed and cursed by Joshua (Joshua 7:26) a land of accursed,helplessness.
This was the land Jesus was coming out from but He is full of life,hope. These blind men were standing on the Highway of hopelessness,this highway can be of a country,different situation.
 Reasons why they first pleaded for mercy:
-Their location:the highway of hopelessness
-Their life:the state of their life,their sins and felt they did not qualify for the blessings of God
-Perhaps the commandment,word of God that they had broken,that is steps or actions they took that were not pleasing to God.
It is through God's mercy we gain access to the throne of God and it is in His presence we get His blessings.
God's mercy will qualify you for what the law disqualifies you for.
Also one factor that gives long life is the mercy of God.(Joel 2:13, Micah 7:18)
By God's mercy we receive forgiveness of sin (Titus 3:5)
-We must cry out to God for mercy
-We must believe God's word of His mercy
-His divine mercy is shown to us (Genesis 18:26)
-In order to get mercy from God we should also exercise mercy to others. Proverbs 3:3, Matthew 5:7.


The Month of May,the Month of Five

Scripture: 1 Kings 6:1
     The month of May in the Hebrew calendar is called ''ZIV'' meaning Blossom.
The month of May is also the fifth month which coincides with the following 5 lettered words:
Fruit of the Spirit
These are all suppose to blossom in our lives.
The month of Ziv is a symbol of the 2nd pass-over for those who missed the 1st pass-over.
It is a symbol of a second chance which represents the intercessory ministry of Jesus.
-Our attitude towards God's word must change:
Just change your attitude towards the word of God,the prophetic word of God and the prophet of God. We see this in 2 Chronicles 20:20, Matthew 10:41.
-Believing in God's prophet also causes the manifestation of God's prophetic word.
The month of May,it is the only month of clear weather,clear heaven which means this month you should receive clarity concerning God's perfect plan or will for your life and lifestyle should also become clear,holy and pure.
-It is the month of major harvest of the valley, of fruits of God's glorious name and all the 5 lettered words mentioned above should produce their fruits in our lives.
-It is the month of uncommon divine favor.
Have a fruitful month....

Monday, August 29, 2016

There Is A Way Out

Scripture: Psalm 55:6-8, 15-17;22

There is a solution to every problem on the face of  the earth as King David said in Psalm 37:25
''I have been young and now I'm old;Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.
King David composed Psalm 55 in his distress and sadness as a result of the treachery of his son, Absalom. Whatever the situation you might be in:
-Try to believe and have faith in the Lord the more.
-Try and trust God's word that He has spoken concerning your circumstance little more.
-Encourage yourself in the Lord,in Spirit and Soul
-Pray and Pray little more.
-Cast those cares,burdens on Jesus for He cares for you.
-Love your enemies but pray against the evil spirit that is working through them (spirits of wickedness, witchcraft).
Absalom's personality isn't the focus here but the representation of the spirit that worked through him
7 points that the spirit of Absalom represents:
This spirit can manifest itself through anyone or anybody that allows themselves to be used by it..
-spirit of love of and for power/power drunk
-spirit that wants to take you away from the places God has planted you in.
-spirit that wants to take away from you your God given right.
-spirit that wants to limit,disgrace,you openly, because it has access to your life (dishonor,relegate you)
-spirit that wants to kill you and make you die an untimely death
-spirit that wants you to loose your reward that Heaven has for me.
-spirit that makes your life to be bitter,unpleasant and not allow you to have joy.
Psalm 27:12-13.
5 Ministries and ministerial's killers are:
-Love of power
-Love of money
-Fear of people
Ministers must be aware.
Don't give up,don't give in.God is not done with you yet..

Christ The Anointed One has Also Anointed Me

Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-3, Acts 4:27

What is Anointing?
Anointing is translated from the Greek word (Chrio):meaning through the contact to smear to rub with oil, to consecrate to an office for a spiritual,divine purpose. Psalm 104:4.
The purpose of the anointing is to do good. Isaiah 42:1, John 1:32
God's Spirit translates to God's presence which translates to Anointing which translates to Anointing to heal.
It is also translated from the Hebrew word (Mashach): meaning to rub with oil,to anoint by implication,to consecrate, to smear.
It is the sanctification of people or things for divine service.
Once the tabernacle was erected it and everything in it was anointed. The most common usage of this verb is the divine installation of the 3 offices mentioned below:
Jesus is our Chief High Priest,the King of kings and our prophet. A prophet is God's mouthpiece,the interpreter of God's mind and intentions. God's power/presence upon available vessel to carry out God's divine purpose here on earth,its the divine ability to destroy yokes and lifts burdens,
Isaiah 10:27.
Anointing is God in action.

Can There Be A Greater Price/Sacrifice? No,There Can't Be Any Greater Price/Sacrifice

Scripture: Luke 15: 20-24, 32

What is the most expensive item you have ever acquired? Do You know that far above the most priced item of yours,someone paid the most expensive and priceless amount for you to truly live.
 Adam and Eve lost a lot of things due to the sin they committed in the garden to the enemy but the resurrection of Christ brought two things back into our lives.
   Man has refused to surrender to the Lordship of Christ. Its human beings who have given themselves to the devil,wherever we give a chance to the enemy in our lives there will be losses. Unfortunately human beings followed the path of death but thank God that His mercy through the death and resurrection of Christ saved us.
 The prodigal son decided to live by himself and there is danger in self management. When we are under the instruction of the master,our lives are safe,when we follow Him in truth and Spirit,His blessings flow into our lives. But when we rebel against Him,going out of God's word,we experience the opposite.
When we human beings break away from the true living God its like a small river,cut off from the source,life will stop flowing. Religion will not save you,only Jesus will save you. The prodigal son realized that he couldn't go on ahead. When will we realize we cant go on ahead without God? What more can God do for us?
 We ought to rejoice because we were lost but now we are found
                                 because we were dead but now we are alive
This means the resurrection of Christ restored to us all that we have lost to the devil. Halleluyah!!!

Be A Profitable and Not An Unprofitable Servant

Scripture: Luke17: 7-10
Jesus was teaching the standards of God for us to live by through this parable. The principle is humanly difficult and hence the disciples said to the Lord,''increase our faith'',that is Lord please give us more grace to live as this. All that pertains to living for Christ is humanly impossible.
''Everything that has to do with true Christianity (of Christ) is a mystery i.e it is revealed step by step according to what we are able to bear.
 People around us may misunderstand us because of the way we live because the mystery of Christ has not be unfolded to them.
Just as Nicodemus couldn't understand the regeneration of a man spiritually because it is a mystery.
The Bible is like a language except you are born into a language or you learn it,it can not be understood. Just as the same except you are born of the Spirit with which the Bible is written,one can not understand. One of the greatest character of Christ we must learn is to be as a servant. Jesus was servant to God,to the body of Christ,to the whole world. And in that servant hood,Christ was teaching us how to operate in the Spirit of servant hood willingly and not by compulsion. Philippians 2: 5-11.
 Jesus did not count it a right to be equal with God. He became an obedient servant to the point of death. Our obligation as servants to the Lord Jesus Christ,to the body of Christ is as follows:
Exodus 21:5, Proverbs 17:2, Matthew 24:45.

5 Points as Duties of a Faithful Servant (Ephesians 6:5-8)
-Obedience Ephesians 6:9
to hear what our master says and just do as He says
-Faithfulness Colossians 3:22
to stay committed,dedicated to the life's purpose to which one has been called to.
-Respect for the masters 1 Timothy 6:1
honor and treat those above us with dignity.
-Desire to please our master at all cost Titus 2:9
-Patience in hard places 1 Peter 2:18
sometimes the master may send us to places which are not comfortable for our flesh,faithfulness will help us in this point.
-In Humility,willingness and sacrificial love
we should willingly lay down our lives,it takes humility to serve others, we need to learn the attitude of Christ so that He may be formed in us.
These are the major duties of all of us as believers in Christ.

Maximize Your God Given Opportunities and Chances

Scripture: Mark 12:1-11

''Don't get mad at God He has a right to place a demand on you because of what He has invested in you''- Pastor Elijah
  Everything in our lives given to us by God must be fully maximized. As we read through
Mark 12:1-11,the vineyard represents the chances,privileges God has put in our lives and the vine-dressers are you and I.
 Time,Opportunities,privileges, everything in our lives,our academic pursuits, achievements, businesses, links are the symbols of talents.
 The ministry,anointing are the symbols of God's deposit. It is a confirmation of the fact that he owns us. Everything we have in our lives do not belong to us,we are just vine dressers.
 Each one of us have some areas of life that we struggle with to give to God. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. Are you ready to trade all the deposits that God has placed in you profitably with the owner?
 How did you spend your time?
Herodias used her God given beauty wrongly and Jezebel misused the God-given opportunities, privilege instead she destroyed the priesthood and sanctity in the land of Judah.
 Esther used her beauty to please God,influencing the King's decision to preserve the Jewish people from the genocide plans of Haman.
Sodom and Gomorrah perverted the relationship originality according to God. God usually gives opportunity for repentance to everyone here on earth till the last time (minute). Proverbs 29:1
 When we take a good look at the word below:

Without Christ the letters left are IAN 
which represents I AM NOTHING
The number 10 represents Headship with
1- Supremacy, Christ the head
0- Nothingness
So my dear brothers and sisters,bring your nothingness to Christ and He will make it something. Join your Zeroes with Christ's headship and you become somebody.

The Names and Titles of The Church

Deuteronomy 32:9-12, Hebrews 12:22-23.

 The word Church is translated from the Greek word: ''Ecclesias'' and does not refer to a denomination or religious movement.
  It means the gathering together or assembly of God's called out people. People called out from the world of sins as Jesus said He is where two or three are gathered.
 There are lots of people who belong to a denomination or religious tradition but are not members of Jesus. In order to be a member of the church of Christ,you must be BORN AGAIN.
   The Names/Titles given by Christ to the church are:
1. The Body of Christ (Hebrews 12:5, Ephesians 1:23)
2. The Spiritual Temple and Building (Matthew 16:18):
 This means a dwelling place.It wasn't a coincidence that Joseph was a carpenter/builder, God the Father working through God the Spirit to build God the Son within us.
3. Bride (Isaiah 62:5):
a bride;a young girl preparing to marry her husband,the church is the bride and Jesus is the bridegroom (Revelation 19:7)
4. God's people (1 Samuel 12:22, Deuteronomy 26:19)
5 .Chosen ones (Deuteronomy 7:6, 1 Peter 2:10)
6. Children of God (Matthew 5:4, Romans 8:16)
7. Heirs of God (Romans 8:17):
therefore we have every right to inherit every blessings of God.
8. Peculiar Treasure: not kept in usual places, not living a usual /common lifestyle.
9. Flock or Sheep of God (Luke 12:32, Isaiah 40:11, Zechariah 9:16):
  Belonging to God's circle of followers. God compares believers with sheep and unbelievers with goats. Sheep have a teachable spirit, ability to turn away from wrong. Sheep are always in company of other sheep,with his parents.
10. Sons of God (John 1:12, Romans 8:14, Galatians 4:7)
11. Sons of Light (Ephesians 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:5)
12. Soldiers of Christ (2 Timothy 2:3):
Who is a soldier? a military force man,to keep and protect the territory of Christ,there is a characteristic to a soldier which is discipline from which the word disciple stems from. The military training changes the thinking, behavior of the recruits and is now under certain commands,brings you out of yourself. They are also taught to go in offensive and take captives in addition to protecting the territories. Jesus is our chief-commander.
13. Ambassadors of Christ: a person sent diplomatically to country to represent the interest of his country. God expects us to be His true representatives in this world,we are to defend the interests of Heaven here on earth.
14. Pilgrims (Hebrews 11:13, Hebrews 13:14, 1 Peter 2:11):
a person who went to visit a place with the intention of going back to his country.
15. Disciples and Followers of Christ (John 13:35)
16. Believers of Christ (John 2:22, John 4:53, Acts 9:42)
17. Family of God/Family in Heaven (Ephesians 3:15)
18. Brethren (Matthew 23:8): we are brothers in the Lord
19. Branch (Isaiah 60:21, John 15:2-5)
20. Pillar and Ground of Truth (1 Timothy 3:15):
Jesus is the truth while the devil is a liar and fraud. Once we become believers,we become truth,Christ has no diplomacy.
21. Priest
22. Kings (Revelation 1:5-6)
  A priest intercedes on behalf of others and a king rules over a kingdom,we are to rule, reign and establish the dominion of Christ.
23. Christian (Acts 11:26): Christ like people,to live like Christ.
24. Assembly of Upright (Psalm 111:1)
25. Assemblies of Saints: means to be holy,upright,perfect, undefiled. When we are born again,you have a right standing before God,justified, Psalm 89:7, perfect before God. It is not a religious promotional status given by men.
Why we need to study these powerful titles and names are as follows:
-It shows that God's love through Christ to the church is immeasurable just like endearing names between a couple.
-Because the church is the most precious thing God has here on earth.
-The church is the only means by which God's plan can be carried out here on earth.
-You and I must be grateful for God calling us His church.
-We must do everything to justify God's love calling us His church
-All of us, we must make sure that the meaning of all these titles are reflected in our daily lifestyle.

Don't Let Him Go!!!!

Scripture: Genesis 32:24-30

''Greater future is waiting for the person who has never fallen but for the person who each time he falls,he manages to rise up''- Oliver Goldsmith
  If you refuse to give up,your prayers will be answered.
  If you keep fighting,you will win the battle.    
  If you will keep running,you will win the race.                                                                                         Keep on;
Fighting in prayers
In Supplications
In Dedication
In Consecration
In Sacrificial giving
Walking with God
Living for Christ
Waiting and trusting
In expectation from God
In Obedience
In Holiness
In the Fear of God
In the Fruit of the Spirit
Being Crucified with Christ
Carrying your cross
In Daily following Him as a True Soldier
As a Student and Disciple and Ambassador of Christ here on Earth.
   You have gone too far with Him to quit now,your reward is too close to you. Your blessings are about to be unfolded and unleashed upon you. Keep on going with Him on this narrow path. You are about to be blessed.
 At the most strategic point in Jacob's life,he was alone,why?
 -in order for him to develop a personal relationship with God
 -to prevent distractions
 -so that God's instructions could get into his inner being
The following scriptures shows us some others who were also alone: Luke 9:18, Luke 5:16,
 Psalm 55:7, Jeremiah 9:2.
There is power in perseverance and importunity as we see as Jacob wrestled with the angel of God. There were certain significance in this wrestle which we must understand,this is
- the touching of his hips
(this was to test whether Jacob wold stop fighting or battling also God was telling Jacob to stop fighting by his own strength and learn to trust God.
-when the angel saw that Jacob wasn't stopping
(Jacob wasn't trading his chance,he was maximizing his moment) then the angel moved to the next level.
-what is your name? (the next level)
this involved Jacob confessing,acknowledging and repenting. God wanted him to mention his name, to acknowledge his name. His name representing his identity and reality.
  God allowed him to wrestle and prevail with Him, God changed his name and then blessed him.
Stay blessed...

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Turn Your Weaknesses to Strengths (Unlimiting your limitations)

Have you ever been asked what your weakness(es) is? What was your immediate thought and feeling? Shame, something not to be proud of? Don't we all have some streak of weakness whatever it might be. The devil is aware of this and desires to use our weaknesses to limit our spiritual growth, blessings and productivity.
Isaiah 40:28-31 brings to our understanding 3 major points to consider, these are:
-Humans have weaknesses, limitations therefore get tired and fall.
-God has no weaknesses and in strength He has no measure.
-Humans have weaknesses but God has none and He's not only able but more than able to strengthen humans. Lets consider the following:
1. Human weaknesses are manifested in every human being
Natural and biological weakness have been inherited from Adam and Eve and concerns all the 7 billion souls in the earth. No matter how radical, holy and anointed one is, the trait of weakness is always there and it requires a right attitude towards this so that the enemy does not exploit it to destroy our purpose with God. We can understand this from the following scriptures: Numbers 11:14, Matthew 26:40. We also see how Peter overestimated his biological weakness as shown in Acts3:12
 The difference between Matthew 26:40 and Acts 3:12 is that Peter is now humble, he recognises that he has no strength and God alone has strength.

2.Human weaknesses enable/help us to forgive others easily because we are reminded at all times we need God's forgiveness due to our own weaknesses.

3. Our human limitations helps us to appreciate the grace of God in our lives because we realize that we can do nothing alone.

4. Spiritual and Physical helplessness of man is because of our limitations. Luke 13:11, John 5:7.

5.These helplessness and human limitations force us to depend on God. 2Chronicles 20:12, Psalm 127:1, John 15:5.

6. Man's extremity of weaknesses and limitations which we face as human beings becomes God's opportunity to help and manifest His power. Mark 4:38, John 15:5. 

7.Those limitations could be as a result of sin in our lives. Samson was anointed but unfortunately there was a weakness as a result of man's biological weakness. We should be careful, watchful, prayerful, we shouldn't allow the devil have a place in our lives.

8. Strength (moral and spiritual) is promised from God for us.
2Samuel 22:33-40, Isaiah 28:33-40, Isaiah 28:6, Hebrews 11:33-34.

It's so humbling yet wonderful to remember that in all of our weaknesses God is indeed merciful.

Friday, August 19, 2016

I am blessed/You are blessed/We are blessed

Scriptures:Genesis 1:22,28
The word ''Bless'' is translated in Hebrew as ''Barak''.

''Barak'' means to bless God as an act of adoration
                         to bless man as an act of a benefit
This word is used intensively when God blesses people or people bless each other.

Its also translated in Greek as ''Eulogeo''
''Eulogeo'' means to speak well of,to bless,to evoke a benediction upon,to prosper,to be blessed,to be given power,to prosper and to excel.

To be blessed means to be given power to prosper and to excel.
When one is blessed it means one is empowered to triumph,to prosper,to excel but not only to have these things but to carry and be a channel to others. 
We can read about this in the following scriptures:
 2 Samuel 6:6-12, Genesis 50:20, Deuteronomy 23:4-5,Psalm 32:1-2,Psalm 1:1, 2 Samuel 7:29,Genesis 9:1;12:2;17:20;32:29;27:24-29.
Its not enough to be blessed,its important to be a blessing to others as Proverbs 10:22 says.

There are two levels of Blessings,these are:
-Personal/Individual: a blessing pronounced by God/another person on an individual.
-Corporate/Group: a blessing pronounced by God on a group of people such as family,towns,cities,nations,countries,continents,spiritually to the body of Christ.
 What makes the blessing of man different from all other creatures is the supremacy God gave to man.
Let us not be contented with being blessed but being a blessing,an unstoppable stream to everyone around us so that through us others may become blessed.
God bless us all in Jesus name.
( Sunday,March 14,2016)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thankfullness, Gratitude and the secret of Ungratefulness.

1st Thessalonians 1:1-3.
Deuteronomy 8:10.
Psalms 100
Ist Thessalonians 5:18.
Ruth 2:10.
1st Corinthians 15:57.

 Reading 1st Thessalonians 1:1-3, we see Apostle Paul giving salutations and thanksgiving to God on behalf of the saints. We can break down what he did here in three fold steps. They include;

1} He remembered the saints.

2} He prayed for them.

3} He gave thanks to God for them.

These are the things that Paul and other saints did all the time. Our Lord Jesus Christ also gave thanks to God.
We must always give thanks to God and our hearts must always be full of thanksgiving at all times. Every believers heart should be as this. This is the will of God for us. When the thanks go up, the blessings come down.
In this life, there will be a lot of pain, trials and challenges. Jesus didnt tell us we wouldnt have all these but assured us that he would be with us forever till the end of the age. Beloved thats an amazing promise that he is fulfilling even till this moment. Whenever we look around us and see that things arent going the way we want or planned lets keep our heads above water and still thank him.
There is a song by Mavin Sapp called ''Praise Him in advance'' every time i listen to it i am reminded of how important praise is. Our lips should always be filled with praises and thanks to God at all times even if we are going through situations that are challenging. We must not allow the cares of this world to stop us from thanking God. we must not become ungrateful, if we are ungrateful for what God does for us, how much more what mere mortals do for us.
So what are the things that stop us from being thankful?

1} Lack of appreciation.

2} We take things for granted.

3} Tendency to forget God and who he is.

4} We think it is our right. We believe that there is nothing to thank God for.

5} We deserve none than what God has done. We still thank like that.

6} Pride.

7} We pay attention to only what God has done for us.

8} When we compare ourselves with others. We believe we are doing better spiritually so why should we be thankful.

9} You don't see what God has done as a need so you aren't thankful. 

No matter what you are going through, remain thankful.