Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Rest and Perfection

Scripture: Genesis 2:13, Psalm 138:8
July is here Praise the Lord, it is translated the month of ''Tammuz'' in Hebrew language which means Rest,Rest guys..
Today is the 3rd day of the month,a Sunday
Today is the 1st day of the week,a Sunday (resurrection)
God rested on the 7th Day, rest is ''Shabat'' in Hebrew.
Shabat means to abstain from labour
                       denotes designating the time to be set aside for rest
Mark 6:30-32
God desires that we live for Him,a life full of adoration
Perfect is translated from the Hebrew word ''Gamar'': meaning to be perfect, complete,to perform to a perfect end.
 Take this month as a month God has set aside to make us to rest and trust in Him to perfect that which concerns us.
 By entering into His rest,is to cease from our own effort,our own methods and just trust Him, believing Him and having faith in Him that He is more than able to perfect that which concerns you.
 Give God the opportunity to perfect those things you have been trying to do in your life,all those imperfections in your life.
 Entering His rest means ceasing from all the fruitless laboring,sinful wordly pursuit,unnecessary canal cares,anxiety and doubt,unbelief,self trust and reliance,personal lifeless and vain self strength.
 Just trust Him and rely upon Him,surrender it all.
What is Faith?
I:  I
T: trust
H: Him
 Forsake all I trust Him
In this month,we should learn to trust Him,forsake all the personal strength to make things work in my way. It is the month of resting and trusting in Him. 2 Corinthians 7:1
Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness,spots,wrinkles.
Perfecting translated ''Epithelio'': means to fulfill further or completely
                                            to bring through to an end,to fulfillment
                                            to make perfect,complete or accomplish
God is the only one that is able to perfect all the imperfection in our lives:in spirit,soul and body also in our families,finance,academic pursuit,relationship,in our daily activities,in our gifts,talents,ministry.
It is time to forsake all your efforts and allow God to bring to perfection all in your life.
Joshua 6:4, 1 Kings 18:43, 2 Kings 5:10, Proverbs 24:16, Leviticus 4:6, 1 Thessalonians 3:10.

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