Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Spiritual Battleground:Winning The Battle Of Your Mind

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:13-16, Romans 8:5-8
Unless the devil has first won the battle of in your mind he cannot win the battle for your life. Do you realize and understand that there is a battle in your mind,ongoing for  7 days,24 hours,every minute,every second?
The word Mind is translated in Greek as ''nous'': meaning intellect, divine or human,in thought,in feeling and will.
The mind is the seat of emotions,affections,mode of thinking,feeling,disposition,moral inclination equivalent to the heart.
We need to have a proper understanding of the mind.
The word thought is translated in Hebrew as ''machashaba'' pronounced ''makh-ash-aw-baw'' which means a thought,a purpose,a devise,an intention,an invention that springs from such thoughts, the thoughts of the mind.
 Natural mind is translated in Greek as ''psuchikos'',natural (1 Corinthians 2) which means referring to the man who is governed only by his environment namely his natural or animal instincts as a result of his fallen adamic (sinful) nature,he is unable to understand spiritual truth and he doesn't understand the things of God.
Natural mind: a mind not renewed,regenerated, he can not understand or comprehend the things of the spirit,why?because he's not born again.
 The carnal mind can not understand the things of the spirit because his mind is fleshly and worldly.
The mind is the battleground before the devil can carry out anything,he begins with the mind.
Thats why the mind is closely linked with the heart. Those with a regenerated mind have thoughts of Christ which fills the mind and they begin to manifest in actions.
There is danger in having a carnal mind (i.e a mind that is not renewed in Christ) because it can not please God. The carnal mind can only think carnally,fleshly,worldly, and can only act sinfully.
To be carnally minded is death because it can only think of things which are contrary to God which displeases God. Romans 1:28.
A Reprobate mind is a mind which is no longer able to see and judge things in the right sense and is followed by the spirit of perversion and everything that is bad will appear good and that which is good appears evil.
Ephesians 4:17, Deuteronomy 15:9, Matthew 15:19, Genesis 6:5.
The word of God warns us not to allow this carnal mind,sinful thoughts,evil traditions,thoughts of unbiblical lifestyle not to dominate our lives. To those who are born again,the Bible tells us to be spiritually minded. Romans 12:2-3, Proverbs 12:5, Philippians 2;5.
The Bible says ''Let''in Philippians 2:5 because there is power in free will i.e when the devil brings evil thoughts we have the power of free will to choose whether to allow those thoughts stay or reject them.
So what are the things we should be thinking on,meditating on,ruminating on?
Philippians 4:8 says it all;Thoughts that are:
-True (truth)
- Of Good report
- Of Virtue; love
-Praise worthy i.e glorifies God's name.
When the devil brings evil thoughts we should reject them immediately and replace them.
We can replace these evil imaginations by maintaining the mind of Christ but how?
-By reading the word of God
-Hearing the word of God
-Studying the word of God
-Meditating,thinking and ruminating upon the word of God
-Being quick to practicalize and obey the word of God
-Reject,renounce,rebuke every evil thought that the devil brings to my mind and quote the word of God that stands against those thoughts.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6.
Verse 5 mentions arguments and imaginations which could refer to negative thoughts,disobedient thoughts, evil imaginations,we are to bring all of them under captivity.
-Cover your whole mind and self with the blood of Jesus Christ.
-Be watchful over what you listen to,who you listen to,the things you look at,the company you keep,the information you listen to,over what you say and where you go.
Remember ''As a man thinketh in his heart so is he''.

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