Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Do Well- Be A Carrier Of The Good News

Scripture: 2 Kings 7:9-11
Good news everyone!!!!!
Our paramount pursuit as believers and true born again children of God is to carry the good news of the good Lord at all cost to the whole world. Mark 1:14-18, Mark 5:15-20.
The Hebrew word Evaggelizo: means good news
                                                  blogoya vest (Russian)
                                                  the gospel
 Good news from the good God to the bad dying sinful,powerless,lifeless world.
The word ''Good'' ''News'' each is 4 lettered and 4 represents the entire planet earth,with the word News represented as below;
N: north
E: east
W: west
S: south
meaning the entire world.
God is commissioning you to go into the world and preach the good news (this could be your school, business,family etc). Romans 10:8-17, Proverbs 11:30
We are to go forth with: wisdom
                                       right approach
                                       Godly living
                                       empowerment of the Holy Spirit
                                       boldness and love
If you win a soul you are wise
Daniel 12:3, Luke 2:8-11, Rev 14:15-19, Matthew 8:37, Mark 4:29, Luke 10:2, John 4:36,
Galatians 6;9.
Right now we must start the harvesting of souls. It is now that we must work. John 9:4.

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