Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Loose Him And Let Him Go! (Remove The Grave Clothes)

Scripture: John 11:41-44
We read about Lazarus the brother to Mary and Martha who had been dead and buried but Jesus Christ raised him back to life by the power of God. Lazarus had been bounded hand and foot by grave clothes and his face with a napkin and Jesus said after calling him to come forth,to have them ''Loose Lazarus and Let him go''...Halleluyah!
Let us see what these grave clothes represent:
-They represent the past and old things which are dead and obsolute. Genesis 41:14
-They represent death. Ephesians 2;6
-They represent hindrances that will not allow us to enjoy the new freedom and newness of life in Christ. Luke 24:12
Unlike Lazarus,Jesus did not leave the tomb with the grave clothes why? because He knew they wouldn't allow Him to function effectively and will not allow Him to see things the way He should see.
Grave clothes represent everything that is in the old life (old  mentality,culture,lifestyle etc)
  Today God has a new garment for you but if you don't remove the grave clothes you won't get the new garment as written in Isaiah 61:3&10.
These are:
-the garment of Praise
-the garment of Salvation
-the garment of Righteousness
Zechariah 3:3-5.
Step out and Live in the newness of Life in Christ.

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