Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Baptism of The Holy Spirit

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:19-39, 36-39, Acts 2;1-8
Rebuilding the Altars (Conditions for Fire from Heaven)
Is the fire of the Holy Spirit still burning within you?
Where are the Elijah's of our time?
Where are the 120 fire-filled disciples?
Altar in Hebrew means ''Mizbeach'' which means the place of sacrifice;
the noun root is ''Zabach'' which means to slaughter an animal sacrifice.
Genesis 8:20 was the first evidence of an altar.
Elijah in bringing down the fire of God did the following:
-He rebuilt the altar and He renewed the sacrifice.
The sacrifice translates to us as in Romans 12:1.
Fire- represents the place of eternal condemnation for satan and his agents
         a symbol of God's judgement.
         an acceptance/acceptable offering before God.
         symbol of cleansing,holiness and purity before God.
         God's divine presence.
         symbol of answers of God to our prayers
         symbol of fire (Acts 2)
Malachi 3:3, 1 Peter 2:5, Acts 5:32.
Through the Bible God is revealed:
as God the Father through the old testament
as God the Son through  Matthew till the beginning of the book of Acts
as God the Holy Spirit through the rest of the book of Acts till present.
The Acts of Apostle (the outpouring of the Holy Spirit) happened 50 days after the pass-over. Jesus Christ gave Himself as a Living sacrifice.
Make yourself available,obedient ,thirsty and hungry, without the fire you cannot make a difference in your generation.

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