Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Factor Of Willingness: A Willing Heart

Scripture: Psalm 110:1-3
In Hebrew,the word Willingness is translated as ''Nawdeeb/Nadyib''
This denotes an attitude of the heart which consents or agrees often readily or cheerfully to a course of action. Exodus 35:5&22.
In the day of the manifestation of the power of God,3 things will happen:
-It will make the enemies of God's kingdom to be subdued,to surrender and submit.
-It will produce beauty of holiness,purity,sanctification in the lives of believers.
-The people will be willing to submit to the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God has the power to make every sinner repent,even to make everyone accept Him but He didn't do that because He is a just God and He has given us the power of free will. John 10:17-18.
  For our love towards our brethren,our ministry,our offering,our tithes to be acceptable to God it must be done from a willing heart.
There is a connection between love and willingness: the Bible says whatever is done outside of faith  i.e outside of love is sin.
In other to operate with a willing heart,you must have faith and love (trust) in that which one is willing to submit to. 2 Chronicles 29:31
When we are doing all that we ought to do as believers outwardly but they are not bringing blessings to our lives,the likely reason is an unwillingly heart.
Jesus knew that they had an unwilling heart and they had willingly chosen to leave Him and there was therefore no point in telling them to stay according to John 6:66-67.
Therefore examine your life as a Christian
Examine why and how do you fast?
Why and How do you pray?
How is your fellowship with other brethren?
How and Why do your give?
Are you doing all these with a willing heart or under compulsion? 2 Peter 3:8-10, 1 Timothy 6:18
Let everything that you and I do be based on the principle of willingness, Judges 5:2.

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