Monday, August 29, 2016

Christ The Anointed One has Also Anointed Me

Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-3, Acts 4:27

What is Anointing?
Anointing is translated from the Greek word (Chrio):meaning through the contact to smear to rub with oil, to consecrate to an office for a spiritual,divine purpose. Psalm 104:4.
The purpose of the anointing is to do good. Isaiah 42:1, John 1:32
God's Spirit translates to God's presence which translates to Anointing which translates to Anointing to heal.
It is also translated from the Hebrew word (Mashach): meaning to rub with oil,to anoint by implication,to consecrate, to smear.
It is the sanctification of people or things for divine service.
Once the tabernacle was erected it and everything in it was anointed. The most common usage of this verb is the divine installation of the 3 offices mentioned below:
Jesus is our Chief High Priest,the King of kings and our prophet. A prophet is God's mouthpiece,the interpreter of God's mind and intentions. God's power/presence upon available vessel to carry out God's divine purpose here on earth,its the divine ability to destroy yokes and lifts burdens,
Isaiah 10:27.
Anointing is God in action.

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