Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Power Of Liberty and Freedom

Scripture: John 8:30-36
Liberty is translated in Hebrew as ''Rachab'' which means roaming in every direction, broad,wide, large etc.
It also means to be unlimited,unchained,unfettered or not imprisoned.
God gave man all kinds of freedom but when man lost his spiritual liberty, he lost all other types of liberty which include political,financial,social,moral liberty etc.
Man became enslaved to sin,people are seeking after financial,political,social,civil liberty but they place little attention and importance to their spiritual liberty,which is the most important.
In the Garden of Eden,satan fought with Adam and Eve's spiritual liberty and not the other liberties they had and as soon as they lost their spiritual liberty (i.e their personal relationship with God),they lost every other thing.
So what does it mean to lose one's spiritual freedom?
-It is to live contrary to God's plan for your life.
-It is to live in opposite to God's word.
-It is to live without depending on God i.e in one's thinking,living,speaking and simply acting the way you want.
To declare one independent from God's word and become the temple of sin.
Romans 6:6, Proverbs 5;22, Romans 6:16.
The opposite of liberty/freedom is bondage meaning to be limited,to be in chains or in fetters,to be in a situation in which one can not operate outside/above the situation.
In Romans 7:23, Apostle Paul speaks about the natural law that makes us to provoke God, there are certain things that can make us to be limited and hence be in bondage,these are agents of bondage as below:
-the world and worldliness
-sickness,infirmity and disease
-finance,morals,social life (culture and traditions) and politics.
The way to be free from all these bondages is to be spiritually free.
Even if there are other freedoms,they will only be temporal as long as there is no spiritual freedom.
George Washington said ''How can one govern a nation without a Bible''?
Can one be freed from all these bondages? Yes because God has processes through which to set a man free from sin and these are:
-through Jesus Christ,our Lord and Saviour (John 8:36, Isaiah 42:7).
-His church,disciples,ministers,servants (Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-17, Mark 16:15-20).
-through the Spirit of the Lord,God.
-through His anointing (Isaiah 61, Luke 4:18),
-through the power of God.
-through His presence.
-through the power of God's word.
-through God's grace,mercy,love and goodness
-through the known truth of God.

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