Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Month Of Life,Time Of Life (September- 9th Month)

Scripture: Psalm 102:13
Welcome to the new month guys,Happy new month! It's September,the 9th month,the month of Time, the Time of Life.
The word September is translated as ''Elul'' in Hebrew,What is the Significance? In this Month,in Israel there is a harvest of cotton after the long wait,it can be compared to giving birth to a child.
For 9 months the baby is conceived in the womb of the mother and at the end of this period,the baby must be birth forth or else the womb that was once conducive becomes dangerous to its life.
Timing,dates,events are very important like the sons of Issachar,men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do. 1 Chronicles 12:32.
 The same visitation that was for Sodom and Gomorrah,a visitation of destruction turned around to be a visitation of construction for Abraham and Sarah. At the appointed time,God visited Abraham and Sarah and fulfilled his promise to them.
Psalm 102:13 says
''Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion:
  for the time to favor her
  yea,the set time,is come''.
This is my Month of birthing forth all that God has planted in me,
 Birthing forth of Life,
 God will arise and have mercy on me,
 for the time to favor me,
 yea,the set time is come.
How about you?
Have a life fulfilling month,God bless you.

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