Monday, August 29, 2016

Can There Be A Greater Price/Sacrifice? No,There Can't Be Any Greater Price/Sacrifice

Scripture: Luke 15: 20-24, 32

What is the most expensive item you have ever acquired? Do You know that far above the most priced item of yours,someone paid the most expensive and priceless amount for you to truly live.
 Adam and Eve lost a lot of things due to the sin they committed in the garden to the enemy but the resurrection of Christ brought two things back into our lives.
   Man has refused to surrender to the Lordship of Christ. Its human beings who have given themselves to the devil,wherever we give a chance to the enemy in our lives there will be losses. Unfortunately human beings followed the path of death but thank God that His mercy through the death and resurrection of Christ saved us.
 The prodigal son decided to live by himself and there is danger in self management. When we are under the instruction of the master,our lives are safe,when we follow Him in truth and Spirit,His blessings flow into our lives. But when we rebel against Him,going out of God's word,we experience the opposite.
When we human beings break away from the true living God its like a small river,cut off from the source,life will stop flowing. Religion will not save you,only Jesus will save you. The prodigal son realized that he couldn't go on ahead. When will we realize we cant go on ahead without God? What more can God do for us?
 We ought to rejoice because we were lost but now we are found
                                 because we were dead but now we are alive
This means the resurrection of Christ restored to us all that we have lost to the devil. Halleluyah!!!

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