Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Turn Your Weaknesses to Strengths (Unlimiting your limitations)

Have you ever been asked what your weakness(es) is? What was your immediate thought and feeling? Shame, something not to be proud of? Don't we all have some streak of weakness whatever it might be. The devil is aware of this and desires to use our weaknesses to limit our spiritual growth, blessings and productivity.
Isaiah 40:28-31 brings to our understanding 3 major points to consider, these are:
-Humans have weaknesses, limitations therefore get tired and fall.
-God has no weaknesses and in strength He has no measure.
-Humans have weaknesses but God has none and He's not only able but more than able to strengthen humans. Lets consider the following:
1. Human weaknesses are manifested in every human being
Natural and biological weakness have been inherited from Adam and Eve and concerns all the 7 billion souls in the earth. No matter how radical, holy and anointed one is, the trait of weakness is always there and it requires a right attitude towards this so that the enemy does not exploit it to destroy our purpose with God. We can understand this from the following scriptures: Numbers 11:14, Matthew 26:40. We also see how Peter overestimated his biological weakness as shown in Acts3:12
 The difference between Matthew 26:40 and Acts 3:12 is that Peter is now humble, he recognises that he has no strength and God alone has strength.

2.Human weaknesses enable/help us to forgive others easily because we are reminded at all times we need God's forgiveness due to our own weaknesses.

3. Our human limitations helps us to appreciate the grace of God in our lives because we realize that we can do nothing alone.

4. Spiritual and Physical helplessness of man is because of our limitations. Luke 13:11, John 5:7.

5.These helplessness and human limitations force us to depend on God. 2Chronicles 20:12, Psalm 127:1, John 15:5.

6. Man's extremity of weaknesses and limitations which we face as human beings becomes God's opportunity to help and manifest His power. Mark 4:38, John 15:5. 

7.Those limitations could be as a result of sin in our lives. Samson was anointed but unfortunately there was a weakness as a result of man's biological weakness. We should be careful, watchful, prayerful, we shouldn't allow the devil have a place in our lives.

8. Strength (moral and spiritual) is promised from God for us.
2Samuel 22:33-40, Isaiah 28:33-40, Isaiah 28:6, Hebrews 11:33-34.

It's so humbling yet wonderful to remember that in all of our weaknesses God is indeed merciful.

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