Sunday, October 16, 2016

Do Good Good Works

Scripture: John 7:22-23
There are 3 points that we can infer from the words of Jesus from the above passage:
1. Jesus Christ was telling them that He is the Lord of the Sabbath,Sabbath being rest:rest from lifeless labor can only be found in Christ.
2. Jesus Christ was not saying that they should not observe/ practice the laws of Moses.
3. They must eat His broken body i.e believing in the sacrificial work He did on the Calvary.
Doing good is a characteristic of Christ, Acts 10:38. ''Went about doing good''; anointing empowered Jesus to go about doing good.
It is true that we are not saved by good works but by the grace and mercy of God.
Outside Christ every good deed is unacceptable before God. Ephesians 2:10
Good works glorify God, Matthew 5:16
Good works enrich lives 1 Timothy 6:18
Good works furnish a pattern for imitation Titus 2:7,3:1
Provoke others unto good works Hebrews 10:24
It demonstrates the reality of faith i.e good works is an attestation that your faith is a reality
James 2:17-18, 1 Peter 2:12, Titus 1:14-15.

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