Monday, August 29, 2016

Maximize Your God Given Opportunities and Chances

Scripture: Mark 12:1-11

''Don't get mad at God He has a right to place a demand on you because of what He has invested in you''- Pastor Elijah
  Everything in our lives given to us by God must be fully maximized. As we read through
Mark 12:1-11,the vineyard represents the chances,privileges God has put in our lives and the vine-dressers are you and I.
 Time,Opportunities,privileges, everything in our lives,our academic pursuits, achievements, businesses, links are the symbols of talents.
 The ministry,anointing are the symbols of God's deposit. It is a confirmation of the fact that he owns us. Everything we have in our lives do not belong to us,we are just vine dressers.
 Each one of us have some areas of life that we struggle with to give to God. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. Are you ready to trade all the deposits that God has placed in you profitably with the owner?
 How did you spend your time?
Herodias used her God given beauty wrongly and Jezebel misused the God-given opportunities, privilege instead she destroyed the priesthood and sanctity in the land of Judah.
 Esther used her beauty to please God,influencing the King's decision to preserve the Jewish people from the genocide plans of Haman.
Sodom and Gomorrah perverted the relationship originality according to God. God usually gives opportunity for repentance to everyone here on earth till the last time (minute). Proverbs 29:1
 When we take a good look at the word below:

Without Christ the letters left are IAN 
which represents I AM NOTHING
The number 10 represents Headship with
1- Supremacy, Christ the head
0- Nothingness
So my dear brothers and sisters,bring your nothingness to Christ and He will make it something. Join your Zeroes with Christ's headship and you become somebody.

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