Monday, August 29, 2016

Don't Let Him Go!!!!

Scripture: Genesis 32:24-30

''Greater future is waiting for the person who has never fallen but for the person who each time he falls,he manages to rise up''- Oliver Goldsmith
  If you refuse to give up,your prayers will be answered.
  If you keep fighting,you will win the battle.    
  If you will keep running,you will win the race.                                                                                         Keep on;
Fighting in prayers
In Supplications
In Dedication
In Consecration
In Sacrificial giving
Walking with God
Living for Christ
Waiting and trusting
In expectation from God
In Obedience
In Holiness
In the Fear of God
In the Fruit of the Spirit
Being Crucified with Christ
Carrying your cross
In Daily following Him as a True Soldier
As a Student and Disciple and Ambassador of Christ here on Earth.
   You have gone too far with Him to quit now,your reward is too close to you. Your blessings are about to be unfolded and unleashed upon you. Keep on going with Him on this narrow path. You are about to be blessed.
 At the most strategic point in Jacob's life,he was alone,why?
 -in order for him to develop a personal relationship with God
 -to prevent distractions
 -so that God's instructions could get into his inner being
The following scriptures shows us some others who were also alone: Luke 9:18, Luke 5:16,
 Psalm 55:7, Jeremiah 9:2.
There is power in perseverance and importunity as we see as Jacob wrestled with the angel of God. There were certain significance in this wrestle which we must understand,this is
- the touching of his hips
(this was to test whether Jacob wold stop fighting or battling also God was telling Jacob to stop fighting by his own strength and learn to trust God.
-when the angel saw that Jacob wasn't stopping
(Jacob wasn't trading his chance,he was maximizing his moment) then the angel moved to the next level.
-what is your name? (the next level)
this involved Jacob confessing,acknowledging and repenting. God wanted him to mention his name, to acknowledge his name. His name representing his identity and reality.
  God allowed him to wrestle and prevail with Him, God changed his name and then blessed him.
Stay blessed...

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