Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Who Can Stand? Nobody Except.....

Scripture:Psalm 15:1-5, Psalm 24:3-4, Psalm 130:3, Romans 10:1-4
  Sin drove Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden (symbolizing God's presence) and they were separated from God. Sin brought guilt and condemnation.
  God is holy and His eyes cannot behold iniquity and so the question is what does it take for human beings to stand before God with a pure conscience?
  Kind David said in Psalm 15
-verse 4;keeps not the company of the wicked
              honors those who fear the Lord
Psalm 24
-verse 4: clean hands;not doing evil
               having a pure heart
If someone fulfills all these are they enough to see God?
There are two types of obedience:
-Obedience to the law and personal works (good works)
-Obedience according to grace and faith through Christ.
Without /Outside Christ there is no good deed or work that will qualify them before God. Our personal (good) works,obedience to the law only becomes acceptable when you receive righteousness and justification by faith in Christ.1 kings 17:1.
  In order to make a difference in the society in which you live,in your generation the question of being able to stand must be addressed. What does it take to be able to stand before God?
Nobody can stand before God except those...
1) who are truly born again,justified by the blood of Jesus Christ.
2)who follow Him consistently after being born again to carry our cross daily and deny self.
3)who through obedience (total) to Jesus through His word and commandments.
4)by knowing and doing only His perfect will.
5)holiness,purity,following after and pursuing after and peace with people and others.
6)by loving our God and neighbor with all our heart.
7)by hating the devil with personal hatred and everything that belongs to the devil.
How can we stand before God?
-Through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
-Through His intercessory ministry.
-Through His mercy.
-Through His everlasting and unchanging and eternal covenant
 of His Son.
-Through faith and grace.

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