Friday, August 19, 2016

I am blessed/You are blessed/We are blessed

Scriptures:Genesis 1:22,28
The word ''Bless'' is translated in Hebrew as ''Barak''.

''Barak'' means to bless God as an act of adoration
                         to bless man as an act of a benefit
This word is used intensively when God blesses people or people bless each other.

Its also translated in Greek as ''Eulogeo''
''Eulogeo'' means to speak well of,to bless,to evoke a benediction upon,to prosper,to be blessed,to be given power,to prosper and to excel.

To be blessed means to be given power to prosper and to excel.
When one is blessed it means one is empowered to triumph,to prosper,to excel but not only to have these things but to carry and be a channel to others. 
We can read about this in the following scriptures:
 2 Samuel 6:6-12, Genesis 50:20, Deuteronomy 23:4-5,Psalm 32:1-2,Psalm 1:1, 2 Samuel 7:29,Genesis 9:1;12:2;17:20;32:29;27:24-29.
Its not enough to be blessed,its important to be a blessing to others as Proverbs 10:22 says.

There are two levels of Blessings,these are:
-Personal/Individual: a blessing pronounced by God/another person on an individual.
-Corporate/Group: a blessing pronounced by God on a group of people such as family,towns,cities,nations,countries,continents,spiritually to the body of Christ.
 What makes the blessing of man different from all other creatures is the supremacy God gave to man.
Let us not be contented with being blessed but being a blessing,an unstoppable stream to everyone around us so that through us others may become blessed.
God bless us all in Jesus name.
( Sunday,March 14,2016)

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