Sunday, October 16, 2016

For We Knoweth Not

Scripture: Romans 8:26-27,34
The ministry of the Holy Spirit in our prayer life, the major determinant of how strong and solid our prayer life is the Holy Spirit. Prayer is not just spiritual murmurings.
Prayer is a conversation between a father and a child or children, it is an essential part of our relationship with God.
Sometimes we don't know what to pray further about,you feel like there's nothing we can pray about,we feel exhausted.
When we feel dried up, tired,exhausted,just like a baby who feels like saying something,feels like uniting with you but does not know how to express himself. At this moment when we feel dried up and exhausted then the ministry of the Holy Spirit begins.
This is also why our lifestyle is important Romans 8:5-9
This is very important,the ministry of the Holy Spirit is very sensitive to the vessel of God He is working in,our lifestyle should be of Holiness.
The Holy Spirit guides
                          leads and directs us
                          makes intercession for us in our prayer life
                          helps us when we don't know what to pray about
What is intercession?
Talking about a person,place,time on behalf of another person and at the time when we don't know what to pray about the Holy Spirit knows the things of the Spirit, maybe sometimes a particular name of a person,a country flashes into our minds and we don't know what to pray about, we should pray this way:
''God,Holy Spirit take over,do your job, I release myself into your hands and whatsoever you want to do and at this point if you are a believer ,walking in the Spirit,in contact with Him all the time and in all things, these things makes the intercession of the Holy Spirit easier and hence you speak in the language of Heaven, one begins to speak on behalf of that person,place or situations. Acts 4:31.
How can we make the ministry of the Holy Spirit Effective
-Follow Christ diligently
-Learn how to be sensitive to His leadings.
-Follow whatever instructions He gave us in details (sometimes God gives us instructions that may not be logical or seem odd) Acts 16:26,27
   Some of the burdens we are carrying its because we are not allowing the leading of the Holy Spirit, when we ask for the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives we will be free because we know we are not alone, we are bold and confident and have assurance in God.
   Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel were full of God's spirit and were bold. When we are full of the Holy Spirit,we don't feel intimidated. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit and full of the Him.
    One of the reasons God has given us this language of tongues is because its one of the weapons that God uses to make the devil mad because he can not and does not understand this language because it is a mystery. Acts 2:1-2
Speaking in another tongue makes our conversation with God to be deep because only the Holy Spirit understands.
Lets seek to rely and depend totally on the Holy Spirit.

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