Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Thanksgiving As A Spiritual Weapon

Scripture: Psalm 107:22, Leviticus 7:12, Colossians 1:12; 3:15, Psalm 100, 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Thankfulness: is an expression of gratitude and more importantly,it's one of the spiritual weapons. It's deeper than just expressing my gratitude. It's a major weapon in battling/we use it to fight and win spiritual battles.
How did Jesus use thanksgiving to win spiritual battles and why do we need to give thanks?
1. We give thanks to God because He is our King and We are His subjects,He is God.
2. He is our maker,creator,He owns us,we don't belong to ourselves.
3. Thanksgiving and praises is an appreciation of His wondrous deeds to us. We must not take anything He has done for us for granted.
4. Through our thanks we are giving testimony of His wonderful deeds.
5. Through our testimonies we are witnessing to others and calling others to God.
6.Through our testimonies we are teaching others how to relate with God
7. By giving thanks,we are demonstrating His good,mercy and truth towards us (Hebrews 13:15)
 There is a fruit of lips to God which is our praises,thanksgiving and acknowledging God's deeds.
John 11:41; Jesus used thanksgiving as a weapon.
 Jesus came into the presence of God with thanksgiving,He knew what He needed to do to win favor before God. When You need Heaven's supernatural intervention in your natural situations,we should enter with thanksgiving not with self pity,complains/grumbling,murmuring,not bitterness. We get help,power,hope from God through thanksgiving. John 6:11.
 In order to get divine increment and abundance ,use thanksgiving,remember there is a store in heaven with all our needs (spiritual and material).
In Matthew 26:27,Jesus was going to establish the Holy communion because the broken body of Jesus and blood of Jesus is the last hope for human kind. In order for this to influence them forever and not allow the enemy to pervert it, He invited the attention of Heaven to it by giving thanks to God.That's why it has never lost its influence/meaning since that day till now.
Humans are looking for power from all the wrong sources instead of seeking from God,true power.
Let us enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise....Halleluyah...

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