Sunday, October 16, 2016

What Manner of Person

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:9-11
The world around us now can be compared to the time of Noah while he built the ark for 120 years as God had instructed him to do and also to Sodom and Gomorrah,in which its inhabitants had attacked Lot and the angels that had visited Lot.
The Bible tells us that Christ is coming but men will say where is the promise of His coming? But these people fail to see that the Bible says that the Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some count slackness but is long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance,for Christ's coming will be as a thief in the night.
So as Noah lived in the time in which ungodliness surrounded him as now, what manner of person ought we to be?
1. We must be truly truly born again.
2. Be dedicated and consecrated to Christ (24hrs of 7days of 365days)
3. Be in conscious expectation of Christ's return
4. Invest our life (every aspect our life) into the expansion of God's kingdom here on earth,this includes our time,gifts,talents etc.
5. We should live a radical evangelism life by our lifestyle,preaching.
6. Live a lifestyle of total obedience, of trust and reliance on Him alone.
7. Knowing and doing His perfect will in our pursuits (must be our focus)
8. Live the lifestyle of total faith,prayers and fasting, faith in God,in His word,in His promises,His faithfulness.
9. Live a life of a true worshiper (in truth and spirit): we worship God for who He is and praise Him for what He has done and will do.
10.A lifestyle of purity,holiness,sanctification,fear of God,honoring His word,fruit of the Spirit should be our daily conduct.
 Let us therefore be these manner of person and be rapturable unto Christ in Jesus name.
Have a fruitful week ahead.

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