Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Unfaithful and Unprofitable servant

Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
In the book of Matthew,Jesus told the parable of 3 servants and of them all,the 3rd servant wasn't rewarded because he was unfaithful. The 3rd servant had refused to trade with his talent which his master had given to him.
God has also given each of us talents and gifts according to our talents.
Let us look at what the reasons could be as to why this servant could not produce any fruit or profit with his talent, Matthew 25:22-25 shows this to us:
1) The servant never truly loved his master.
2) He never trusted nor believed in his master (We should trust and obey our master,Jesus Christ).
3) He never honored or respected his master (We should honor our Lord)
4) He had always been a man who always justified his failure i.e he gives excuses without repenting.
5) He had always been greedy and envious of his master's success.
6) As a result of the 5 points above,his heart was guilty and full of fear.
   Our hearts should be filled with love,joy,peace when we obey God but we will have the opposite when we don't obey God.
7) Everyone of us we should be careful to do what He tells us to do. God has given us different talents,we should evangelize,love others,walk in holiness,fear,obedience to the word of God.
We should submit to the Lord,we should be obedient to the Lord Jesus.
This unfaithful servant didn't learn good examples from his master.
 He was a failure,unprofitable and unfruitful.When we don't follow Jesus our master,it will be difficult to be fruitful.
8)The man was indifferent
   -in spirit
   -in service (Matthew 22:5)
  It is very dangerous when people don't take God's call seriously because it makes one's life to be unfruitful and unproductive.
Our lives can only have good meaning when we take God's call seriously and we can then be fruitful and profitable.
This man was unprofitable,he had no good result in his life because of his wrong attitude to his master,
Jesus Christ is our master and He gives us opportunities and privileges,chances to serve Him and make for the expansion of His kingdom on earth. Our hearts should be filled with joy in serving. When we are obedient and we serve Him,follow His invitation,we love Him and are obedient to His word, definitely we will have peace towards Him and we will have no fear or torment.
Let us try to be faithful in small things,don't look down on anything God has given to us,we should take them seriously and work on them.
Why? because the way we treat the little things will determine how farther we will go. Let us do things with enthusiasm,with joy in our hearts.
  God knows your ability and gives to you what you are able to bear,everyone of us must be very very careful with everything that God has placed in our lives.

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