Monday, September 19, 2016

Dig The Well

Scriptures: Genesis 26: 15-23
The well represents you and me
The water represents the Holy Spirit
The sand represents everything the enemy uses to block the free flow of life in us.
Therefore what does it mean to dig?
      It means all the attempts we make to be available to the free flow of the Holy Spirit,to enhance the free flow of the Holy Spirit,to be broken, sanctified,purified and dedicated to God.
What are the things that are hindering or could hinder the power of the Holy Spirit and free flow of the Holy Spirit?
The greatest enemy to the flow of the Holy Spirit is when the flesh is allowed to have supremacy. Whenever the devil wants to stop the operation of the Holy Spirit in us,on us and through us,he looks for a way to gain access to our flesh. There is a continuous battle between the flesh and the Holy Spirit and this conflict is a serious one as in Romans 8:5-8
Our flesh can be interpreted to be as the sand of the soil as the sand is the source of the human body according to Genesis 2:7.
According to Genesis 26:15-23, Isaac dug the wells again,four times the enemy blocked the wells with sand but upon the 5th time Isaac was able to comfortably able to dig the well and reach flowing water.
This 5th time represents Grace
What does it mean to dig deep?
-It means to crucify our flesh and to be available in the hands of God for the transformation of our human vessel.
-Through prayers,fasting,studying,listening,practicing God's word and allowing God to chastise us,rebuke us and we will be transformed.
Deep fellowship with God will lead us to understand His actions.

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