Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Get Delivered,Stay Delivered: Don't give the devil another entrance into your life

Scripture: Matthew 12:44-45, Luke 4:13
   As a born again believer,we get delivered from sins,evil habits, peculiar family/national negative habits or traits,ungodly or unbiblical cultural traditions,generational curses,lifestyles and ways of thinking,a particular sickness/disease, hereditary, occultic practices,idol worshiping,ungodly lifeless religion etc.
   When God delivers us we usually think those things are gone forever but the devil and his messengers are stubborn and will try to return again.
    So what could grant the devil a re-entrance into our lives? Emptiness, because we don't allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with Christ by reading the word,by meditation,by quick obedience and by growing up in faith.
    We must not give a chance to the devil to reenter. All the things we are to lord over,now lord over human beings,they worship the creatures instead of the creator because we have allowed the devil to have a stand in our lives. Ephesians 6 says ''having done all this, stand''.
   We must not sleep i.e not become spiritually tired,no longer watching like the good man slept while the wicked spirit sneaked and sowed tares in the wheat in order words planting false understanding, strife in the congregation of the children of God.
  The devil could use the scripture to instigate us against God but Jesus Christ was able to discern knowing the devil didn't speak by the Holy Spirit who inspired scriptures as he tempted Him.
  How do we stop the devil from having a re-entrance in our lives?
-Once we are/have been delivered,stay with the deliverer and let Him fill you,with His word and fellowship with other spirit led brethren.
-Be sensitive to the leading,instructions and convictions of the Holy Spirit i.e when we do something wrong,we should repent as soon as God convicts us and not harden our hearts.
-Be quick to live the life of obedience because half obedience/ postponed obedience is full disobedience.
-Be active and diligent in all our activities and fruit bearing in our character (love,joy,peace etc) and in winning of souls for Christ. Strive for the spirit of excellency in all our activities.
-Be disciplined,committed and dedicated fanatically to the follower-ship and master-ship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The way we think,talk,live should show we are fanatics of Christ.
-Resist the devil and he will flee away from us through our words,we shouldn't be speaking vulgar words,foolish talks and gistings that are not profitable. Resist the devil through our thoughts,our actions should be motivated by faith,love of God.
-Live the life of faith,total trust and dependence on God.
-Be careful of the type of company,association and relationship as well as links you are involved with.
-Whose advice, counsel and influences do we allow into our lives,this determines whether the devil has access to our lives.
-Ask God Almighty through prayer to use the Blood of Christ through the Holy Spirit to wipe away all the negative thoughts and evil memories from our past.

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