Monday, August 29, 2016

Be A Profitable and Not An Unprofitable Servant

Scripture: Luke17: 7-10
Jesus was teaching the standards of God for us to live by through this parable. The principle is humanly difficult and hence the disciples said to the Lord,''increase our faith'',that is Lord please give us more grace to live as this. All that pertains to living for Christ is humanly impossible.
''Everything that has to do with true Christianity (of Christ) is a mystery i.e it is revealed step by step according to what we are able to bear.
 People around us may misunderstand us because of the way we live because the mystery of Christ has not be unfolded to them.
Just as Nicodemus couldn't understand the regeneration of a man spiritually because it is a mystery.
The Bible is like a language except you are born into a language or you learn it,it can not be understood. Just as the same except you are born of the Spirit with which the Bible is written,one can not understand. One of the greatest character of Christ we must learn is to be as a servant. Jesus was servant to God,to the body of Christ,to the whole world. And in that servant hood,Christ was teaching us how to operate in the Spirit of servant hood willingly and not by compulsion. Philippians 2: 5-11.
 Jesus did not count it a right to be equal with God. He became an obedient servant to the point of death. Our obligation as servants to the Lord Jesus Christ,to the body of Christ is as follows:
Exodus 21:5, Proverbs 17:2, Matthew 24:45.

5 Points as Duties of a Faithful Servant (Ephesians 6:5-8)
-Obedience Ephesians 6:9
to hear what our master says and just do as He says
-Faithfulness Colossians 3:22
to stay committed,dedicated to the life's purpose to which one has been called to.
-Respect for the masters 1 Timothy 6:1
honor and treat those above us with dignity.
-Desire to please our master at all cost Titus 2:9
-Patience in hard places 1 Peter 2:18
sometimes the master may send us to places which are not comfortable for our flesh,faithfulness will help us in this point.
-In Humility,willingness and sacrificial love
we should willingly lay down our lives,it takes humility to serve others, we need to learn the attitude of Christ so that He may be formed in us.
These are the major duties of all of us as believers in Christ.

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