Monday, August 29, 2016

There Is A Way Out

Scripture: Psalm 55:6-8, 15-17;22

There is a solution to every problem on the face of  the earth as King David said in Psalm 37:25
''I have been young and now I'm old;Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.
King David composed Psalm 55 in his distress and sadness as a result of the treachery of his son, Absalom. Whatever the situation you might be in:
-Try to believe and have faith in the Lord the more.
-Try and trust God's word that He has spoken concerning your circumstance little more.
-Encourage yourself in the Lord,in Spirit and Soul
-Pray and Pray little more.
-Cast those cares,burdens on Jesus for He cares for you.
-Love your enemies but pray against the evil spirit that is working through them (spirits of wickedness, witchcraft).
Absalom's personality isn't the focus here but the representation of the spirit that worked through him
7 points that the spirit of Absalom represents:
This spirit can manifest itself through anyone or anybody that allows themselves to be used by it..
-spirit of love of and for power/power drunk
-spirit that wants to take you away from the places God has planted you in.
-spirit that wants to take away from you your God given right.
-spirit that wants to limit,disgrace,you openly, because it has access to your life (dishonor,relegate you)
-spirit that wants to kill you and make you die an untimely death
-spirit that wants you to loose your reward that Heaven has for me.
-spirit that makes your life to be bitter,unpleasant and not allow you to have joy.
Psalm 27:12-13.
5 Ministries and ministerial's killers are:
-Love of power
-Love of money
-Fear of people
Ministers must be aware.
Don't give up,don't give in.God is not done with you yet..

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