Tuesday, August 30, 2016

You Can Begin Again!

Scripture: Genesis 35:1-5
It is never too late to begin again,God is willing and able to pick you up from wherever you are or whatever you are or whoever you are.
Lets look at the place called BETHEL:
-This is the place where Jacob first met with God.
-This is also the same place where Jacob first brought a sacrifice to God.
(Genesis 28:10-22).
-It was where Jacob had an encounter with God and He changed Jacob's name to Israel
-Here also God pronounced blessings as a confirmation of God's promise to him.
Bethel can be compared to our experience when we first gave our lives to Christ but later our love for Christ grew cold. Luke 15;8, Revelation 2:5.
This month of August is the month of A New Beginning,You can start afresh with God.
Jacob had lost his first love and God told him that he could start afresh just like the story of the prodigal son.
Our hearts are no longer passionate,thirsty and hungry for God,we should become radically committed and dedicated to Christ again.
Bethel: the place of re-committment!
             the place of re-dedication!
Oh! I will arise,I will start afresh!

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