Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Mouth Of The Righteous: Power of Life and Death on Your Lips

Scripture: James 3:1-12, Matthew 12:32-37
The Power of life and death is in your tongue which is small but the most important organ that has a great impact in your life spiritually.
There is power in pronunciation and in our utterances. Everything that has been created came through the spoken word. The mouth of the righteous is to be used in a specific way than the mouth of the unrighteous. His mouth is to speak righteousness. We as believers experience success in almost every other area but failure in the area of an untamed tongue.
Both the blessings and curses are the product of the mouth,the curses and the blessings pronounced on man is still affecting him till today. It is very important the way we use our words. Job 16:24, Ecclesiastes 10:12.
 The wise man's mouth will create grace of God in people's lives and produce comfort,encouragement. Isaiah 50:4.
Isaiah became a good listener,able to speak righteous words,how? See Isaiah 6:1-7.
 The people who saw God like Moses,Gideon had their lives changed. You cant see Heaven, the throne of God and remain the usual or same.
Prophet Isaiah had been preaching against people's sins through Chapters 1-5, then God decided to make the words that Prophet Isaiah had been saying to be more gracious and more kind.
 Unless I am able to see my needs, weaknesses I won't be able to seek them from God.
God opened the eyes of Prophet Isaiah to see His glory which showed the inglorious state of Isaiah and God's holiness and his own unholiness. Isaiah after seeing this proclaimed that he was a man of unclean lips and the angel took a coal of fire to cleanse his lips.
  You can not run away from the truth,the truth will always find you. It's because God loves us that He brought the truth to our doorstep. The devil likes to harden the hearts of people to the truth so he can take them to hell with himself.
Genesis 50:21, Joseph spoke kind words to his brothers despite all that they had done to him.
Proverbs 15:1, 2 Samuel 1:1-16 (13-16), 1 Samuel 31:3-4. Ecclesiastes 5:1-3.
Idle words,whispering,slandering and vain words should not be found in your lips.

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