Monday, September 19, 2016

What It Takes To Please God

Scriptures: Genesis 5:24
How to please God/ They that please God
According to Hebrews 11:5, Enoch is the first example of rapture because he didn't just walk with God but he pleased God. Every aspect of our lives should please God,we should please Him and God will be pleased also with us. Proverbs 16:7.
 It's important to live a life pleasing to God because when our lives are pleasing to God we wont need to be looking for favor,miracle and breakthrough because God knows how to touch the hearts of the enemies and we don't run after our enemies. We are love our enemies and not hate them.
Some examples of people in the Bible who pleased God are :
Noah who lived during an ungodly time but yet lived a righteous life.
Enoch lived for God,walked with God,pleased God and hence he broke the natural transformation of human beings similarly with Prophet Elijah.
According to Matthew 3:17, Heaven identifies that Jesus pleased God. 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 1 Timothy 2:4-7.
Pleasing God manifests in the lives of men.
What are the things/conditions to please God
- You must be born again
-You should walk with God,follow God and begin to like His way and begin to understand His ways.
-You must learn how to know and to do only His perfect will (This is a major characteristic in the lives of those who pleased God,.
- You must be obedient,this is one reason why we receive what we ask from God according to
  1 John 3:22-23
- You must follow the commandment to believe on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
-You must have faith i.e live and walk by faith because without faith it is impossible to please God.
-You must love one another, loving each other is a fundamental principle.
-Communicate to one another i.e not doing evil to one another and generously giving.
Our love should be genuinely motivated and not carnally inclined.
The thing we do,do we do them willingly and are they by faith?
-You must trust God.
As children of God,we should check our lives daily and examine if we have all these points in our lives and its not something we do only once and forget we must check everyday and ask our Heavenly Father what do you want to do about this issue today? Yes it is true that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever but God is dynamic and His ways are different, what he asked us to do yesterday in a certain way,He might ask us to do it differently the next time.
What is the lesson that we therefore learn? He doesn't change ever but He uses different approaches and because of this we must seek His face and ask Him always concerning every matter.
Both God and you know the past and the present but only Him knows the very next minute,next hour and ultimately the future.

Dig The Well

Scriptures: Genesis 26: 15-23
The well represents you and me
The water represents the Holy Spirit
The sand represents everything the enemy uses to block the free flow of life in us.
Therefore what does it mean to dig?
      It means all the attempts we make to be available to the free flow of the Holy Spirit,to enhance the free flow of the Holy Spirit,to be broken, sanctified,purified and dedicated to God.
What are the things that are hindering or could hinder the power of the Holy Spirit and free flow of the Holy Spirit?
The greatest enemy to the flow of the Holy Spirit is when the flesh is allowed to have supremacy. Whenever the devil wants to stop the operation of the Holy Spirit in us,on us and through us,he looks for a way to gain access to our flesh. There is a continuous battle between the flesh and the Holy Spirit and this conflict is a serious one as in Romans 8:5-8
Our flesh can be interpreted to be as the sand of the soil as the sand is the source of the human body according to Genesis 2:7.
According to Genesis 26:15-23, Isaac dug the wells again,four times the enemy blocked the wells with sand but upon the 5th time Isaac was able to comfortably able to dig the well and reach flowing water.
This 5th time represents Grace
What does it mean to dig deep?
-It means to crucify our flesh and to be available in the hands of God for the transformation of our human vessel.
-Through prayers,fasting,studying,listening,practicing God's word and allowing God to chastise us,rebuke us and we will be transformed.
Deep fellowship with God will lead us to understand His actions.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Month Of Life,Time Of Life (September- 9th Month)

Scripture: Psalm 102:13
Welcome to the new month guys,Happy new month! It's September,the 9th month,the month of Time, the Time of Life.
The word September is translated as ''Elul'' in Hebrew,What is the Significance? In this Month,in Israel there is a harvest of cotton after the long wait,it can be compared to giving birth to a child.
For 9 months the baby is conceived in the womb of the mother and at the end of this period,the baby must be birth forth or else the womb that was once conducive becomes dangerous to its life.
Timing,dates,events are very important like the sons of Issachar,men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do. 1 Chronicles 12:32.
 The same visitation that was for Sodom and Gomorrah,a visitation of destruction turned around to be a visitation of construction for Abraham and Sarah. At the appointed time,God visited Abraham and Sarah and fulfilled his promise to them.
Psalm 102:13 says
''Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion:
  for the time to favor her
  yea,the set time,is come''.
This is my Month of birthing forth all that God has planted in me,
 Birthing forth of Life,
 God will arise and have mercy on me,
 for the time to favor me,
 yea,the set time is come.
How about you?
Have a life fulfilling month,God bless you.