Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thankfullness, Gratitude and the secret of Ungratefulness.

1st Thessalonians 1:1-3.
Deuteronomy 8:10.
Psalms 100
Ist Thessalonians 5:18.
Ruth 2:10.
1st Corinthians 15:57.

 Reading 1st Thessalonians 1:1-3, we see Apostle Paul giving salutations and thanksgiving to God on behalf of the saints. We can break down what he did here in three fold steps. They include;

1} He remembered the saints.

2} He prayed for them.

3} He gave thanks to God for them.

These are the things that Paul and other saints did all the time. Our Lord Jesus Christ also gave thanks to God.
We must always give thanks to God and our hearts must always be full of thanksgiving at all times. Every believers heart should be as this. This is the will of God for us. When the thanks go up, the blessings come down.
In this life, there will be a lot of pain, trials and challenges. Jesus didnt tell us we wouldnt have all these but assured us that he would be with us forever till the end of the age. Beloved thats an amazing promise that he is fulfilling even till this moment. Whenever we look around us and see that things arent going the way we want or planned lets keep our heads above water and still thank him.
There is a song by Mavin Sapp called ''Praise Him in advance'' every time i listen to it i am reminded of how important praise is. Our lips should always be filled with praises and thanks to God at all times even if we are going through situations that are challenging. We must not allow the cares of this world to stop us from thanking God. we must not become ungrateful, if we are ungrateful for what God does for us, how much more what mere mortals do for us.
So what are the things that stop us from being thankful?

1} Lack of appreciation.

2} We take things for granted.

3} Tendency to forget God and who he is.

4} We think it is our right. We believe that there is nothing to thank God for.

5} We deserve none than what God has done. We still thank like that.

6} Pride.

7} We pay attention to only what God has done for us.

8} When we compare ourselves with others. We believe we are doing better spiritually so why should we be thankful.

9} You don't see what God has done as a need so you aren't thankful. 

No matter what you are going through, remain thankful.