Monday, February 29, 2016

coming unto decision.

 Scripture: Daniel 1:8.
                Daniel 2:49
                Daniel 6: 3-28
                Joshua 24:15.

Reading the book of Daniel chapter, we can see the remarkable way that Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego handled themselves in the dire situation they found themselves in. They decided to follow the commandments of God. They didn't join the other young men in defiling themselves at The Kings table. Trust me, i can assure you that this must have been a very tough and unpopular decision to take. Even the steward was initially reluctant to let them eat what they were requesting from him. He only agreed when they proposed the test. What can we draw out from this chapter? below are a couple of points that we must pay attention to. They highlight the things that Daniel did.

1. He purposed.

2. He chose.

3. He resisted temptation.
i am very sure the food was very tasty but he didnt allow his earthly desire to prevail.

4. He abstained.

5. He restricted his appetite.

6. Self-control.

7. Self-denial.

8. Self-discipline.

9. Temperance.

This is the breakdown of what Daniel did. Now just as Daniel decided to live for God, so also must we also make up our minds to live for christ as well. We must make up our minds to be different, to stand out. In all areas of our lives we must be sold out totally. God is speaking to us today about our decisions. Our decisions leads to our choices and if our decisions are wrong then our choices will be disastrous.

The secret of excellency can be discovered over the life of Daniel. He had the spirit that made Him to be above his fellow contemporaries. He became The Head and not the tail and this was as a result of him deciding to live a very different and unusual lifestyle. He paid the price and reaped a lot in return. In Deuteronomy 30:15 God tells us to choose life and both us and our children shall live. The decision of a man can affect his future generations either positively or negatively and its no wonder that Joshua said in Joshua 24:25 ''As for me and my house we shall serve the lord''.

Beloved, God has given us freewill choice. he doesn't force us. We must make our own decisions
  according to what The Word of God says. We must resist the spirit of mixture and half halfheartedness. It is common in the world today. On Sunday, some live for God and then go on to spend the remaining days of the week doing whatever they like.  Dear brethren, don't let your heart be divided. Serve God wholeheartedly. Make the decision. Follow Jesus Christ, deny yourself and take up your cross and follow him. An unusual uncommon lifestyle will leave us having to pay an unusual price which will bring to us an extraordinary blessing.

Daily Confession.
1. I choose obedience.
2. I choose commitment.
3. I choose holliness and purity.
4. I choose santification.
5. I choose The fruit of The Spirit.
6. I choose humility.
7. I choose truthfulness.
8. I choose to be led by The Holy Spirit.
9. I choose to be a soldier, an ambassador and a representative of Christ.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

To Them that look for Him.

 Hebrews 9:28
2nd Corinthians 13:5
Amos 4:12
2nd Peter 3:9-18.

Jesus Christ is one day going to appear again a second time and The bible tells us that He is not coming for just anyone but for a particular category of people; Those who are looking for him. These are the people who are diligently expecting his manifestation again. This is his Church. The people who have repented of their sins and have been transformed by the renewal of The Holy Spirit. As we know as many that have received him, they have been given the power of God to become sons of God. Our Lord is coming to save those who are his very own. His true sheep. Are you one of them?

We ought to examine our selves if we be in the faith. we should check our lives daily to be sure we havent strayed away from the way. there is a need for us to understand that no one knows the day or hour He will return so we must make sure we aren't caught off guard. When we are expecting a very important guest we always go to extra lengths to make sure that everything is in place. the rooms are cleaned the table set and of course the food is perfect. If we can do all of these for men such as we why cant we do even more for The King of kings?

We ought to be ready all the time for Jesus. The Word of God tells us that we are to be prepared, holy and godly in all our doings. There are people who are scoffing at the promise of His coming but we must not be swayed by them. we must not let evil talks and errors of others discourage us from trusting God's promise of His second coming.

1. Be watchful and prayerful.

2.Have a sense of stewardship.
   Luke 19:13

3.  Patiently waiting.
     1st Corinthians1:7.

4. Showing Love and Charity.

5. Blameless living and fear of God. Purity and Holliness.
    1st Thessalonians 5:23.

6. Perfect Obedience.
     1st Timothy 6:14.

7. Joyful expectation.
    Titus 2:14.

8. Constantly abiding in Him.